Goes Back Around, To You: Chapter Fifty-Six

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Happiness will always be an unexplainable happening. You can simply be joyous but not happy. You can be happy but not optimistic. Like they say, nothing in this world will have a proper explanation. Even when claimed, there will alway she questions about it.

It's been a year since then. Between Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen exchanging gifts. Proposing and courting each other. They now arranged the marriage. Now, Wei Wuxian was with Lan Zuàn in Lan Xichens' Hanshi.

The Hair combing ceremony.

Lan Zuàn combed Lan Xichens' hair while Wei Wuxian lit a pair of dragon Phoenix candles.

"My eldest son."

Lan Zuàn began as she stroked Lan Xichens' hair with a red comb.

"May your marriage last a lifetime."

Second combing.

"May you be blessed with a happy and harmonious marriage until old age."

Third Combing.

"May you be blessed with abundance of a beautiful family."

Fourth Combing. Wei Wuxian caresses Lan Xichens' cheek with a smile as Lan Xichen leans towards him.

"May you be blessed with longevity."

Lan Zuàn clipped the Thuja leaves on his hair.

"Eat up, Xichen-ge."

"Thank you, A-niáng, XianXian."

Wei Wuxian smiled.


Nie Mingjue sat infront of the mirror as Lan Wangji and Lan Haozhi accompanied him.

"As your father's close friend, I am honored to do this for you."

Nie Mingjue willed his tears in.

"It's sad to think he won't be able to do this for me but, having you do it for me, Shushu, is enough."

Lan Haozhi smiled as he began combing Nie Mingjue's hair with a red comb.

"May your marriage last a lifetime."

Second combing.

"May you be blessed with a happy and harmonious marriage until old age."

Third Combing.

"May you be blessed with abundance of a beautiful family."

Fourth Combing.

"May you be blessed with longevity."

Lan Haozhi grabbed the Thuja leaves and strung it to his pajama pocket with a red string.

"Eat the rice balls and make sure to burn the candles until the butt. We want you and Xichen to have a long and merry marriage."

"Thank you, Shushu."

Nie Mingjue looked at himself in the mirror.


Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang sat across each other.


Nie Huaisang sighed.

"Look, I don't want to be Sect Leader. But Er-ge or Da-Ge got to move out."

Wei Wuxian looked up.

"Xichen-ge needs to be Sect Leader. Xùehui is getting old! He even has wrinkles."

"Oh come on."

Wei Wuxian smiled as he held Nie Huaisang's hand.

"Come on A-Sang. To me, you'll be a great Sect Leader."

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