Tynneys Fall: Chapter Fourty

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Some meetings are coincidental and some are unavoidable. Though friendships can develope and lead into the light.

Jiang Wanyin, Jiang Yanli, Jiang Fengmian, Lan Qiren and Wei Wuxian sat across each other in a pavilion near the cliff side. Jiang Fengmian chuckled.

"I'm quite sad A-Xian didn't tell A-Cheng and A-Li about themselves."

Wei Wuxian shrunk into himself, Lan Qiren cleared his throat.

"Well isn't it normal to distance yourself from a former... Enemy."

Jiang Wanyins' head shot up.

"Enemy?! Are we enemies towards you, Wuxian?"

Jiang Yanli had a frown on her face.

"Do you hate us, A-Xian?"


"I guess your father never cared to admit his mistakes."

Jiang Fengmian slammed his cup on the table.

"Grandmaster Lan Qiren, we were already forgiven."

"Still is the damage done and that scarred my poor son-"

"He is not your son!"

Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli were shocked to see their father, Jiang Fengmian, get mad. Lan Qirens' eyes narrowed into a glare.

"We only agreed because A-Ying forgave you. Because he's too kind to his "family"."

Jiang Fengmian closed his eyes.

"Past is past."

"Past is not past when it gave trauma!"


Wei Wuxian held Lan Qirens' hand as he shook his head. Lan Qiren exhaled before he sat back down slowly.

"Diē... What did our family do to Young Master Wei...?"

Jiang Fengmian looked at Jiang Yanli who was in panic and confusion.

"Diē, please tell us what we've done."

Jiang Fengmian felt the food he just ate come up his throat, causing him to suffocate.

"You were still young when A-Xian stayed with us."

Jiang Wanyin and Jiang Yanli were taken aback.

"B-but we never saw him!"

"You have seen me... Shiejie."

Jiang Yanli looked at Wei Wuxian.

"A-Xian was just three when I found him left alone in Yiling. He was a dying child and he is the child of my friend and subordinate."

"How come we never knew..."


Jiang Fengmian bit his lip.

"Your mother loathed him."

Jiang Wanyins' eyes widened. Jiang Yanli squeezed her skirt.

"And while he stayed with us I..."

"You let your wife abuse him with her malicious weapon, Zidian."

"Diē! Why?!"

Jiang Wanyin stood up in anger.

"You know that Zidian hurts so much! How could you?!"

Jiang Yanli covered her mouth. Wei Wuxian scooted closer to Lan Qiren who held him close.

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