Simply Loving: Chapter Thirty

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A mouth is obviously used for basic communication such as talking and shouting. This talk can be done out of anger, frustration and other emotions. But the best talks happen when the feelings you have are sincere and agreed upon.

A week into the lessons, Wei Wuxian was more comfortable because Lan Wangji kept on reassuring him and the gossips went down. He would also enjoy spending free time talking with Jiang Wanyin and Nie Huaisang who basically dragged him away from being too lovey-dovey with Lan Wangji. When he was taken away, Lan Wangji would look so betrayed and he'd end up sulking to his brother or to Qingheng-Jun. Lan Qiren watched from a distance and was kind of jealous because his son barely even had time to have tea with him. He wasn't angry that Wei Wuxian had friends to have spend time with though. Today, Wei Wuxian was talking about some inventions he'd want to develop, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Wanyin were listening intently.

"And Madam Lan said that the spirit luring flag would sound great since it will be easier! And I've been trying to look for book with the right scriptures so I can and might as well perfect it."

"Ah, Wuxian. Madam Lan is so supportive of you."

"She's my teacher after all!"

Jiang Wanyin was just behind the two who were talking but he was secretly admiring Wei Wuxian.

"How has Ming-ge been by the way, A-Sang?"

"Oh he's doing really well."

"Oi, Wuxian."

"Yes, Wanyin?"

"Aren't you like a genuise here? Why are you acting like some kind of quiet kid?"

"Speaking of that, Jiang-Xiong. We shouldn't question Wuxian about it, since it's quite personal."

"No it's okay, A-Sang. I tend to keep quiet because I don't want to tarnish the reputation of the sect. See? I've lived here for Nine years and no one looked bad at Cloud Recesses."

"Well that makes sense. A week of just knowing you, It felt like my life was like a a comedy play."

"At least I have other friends now. Though it was nice just having my family in Cloud Recesses, I'm happy to actually socialize with other people from other clans."

"We're happy to be your friends too, Wuxian!"

"Consider me too."

"Thank you, A-Sang, Wanyin."


Wei Wuxian looked ahead with a bright smile.

"Hahahaha! Xichen-ge!"

Wei Wuxian went and gave him a hug. Nie Huaisang and Jiang Wanyin bowed towards him.


"First Young Master Lan."

Lan Xichen nodded at their direction before ruffling Wei Wuxians' hair.

"Were you busy with them? We can have tea next time."

"No no, Wuxian wasn't busy with us."

"I see, may I take him for the time?"

"Yes you can, Er-ge. We'll just talk to him later on."

"Thank you, A-Sang, Young Master Jiang."

Lan Xichen let out his hand when Wei Wuxian took it with a smile as they walk away.

"Hey, Huaisang. I heard your brother is courting First Young Master Lan."

"Oh he is, He started courting him after he had an intimate moment with Er-ge while visiting Wuxian when he was in a coma."

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