Fell Down a Rabbit Hole: Chapter Thirty-Four

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Saving people's lives can earn you a lifetime supply of respect. Saving people's lives can also lead to something you will soon regret doing in life.

Guess it's time for a sad boy kiss and tell. Wei Wuxian sat on top of a tree while he pondered in his thoughts. It's a weekend and he hasn't sorted his thoughts out yet. Becoming distant won't help, becoming quieter won't aswell. Just because that blind fortune teller came into his life, he became more considerate of his actions. How stupid. He would run after midnight and just basically tired but he can't sleep at all. Slowly all of his thoughts started singing his favorite song.

"A-niáng... What do I do...?"

He looked at the sky that had the rising sun. It was actually still Four in the morning so who guessed. He held Suibian tight in his hands, with a sigh he slumped on the branch.

"Just thinking is making my head hurt!"

He furrowed his brows and fiddled with his forehead ribbon.

[Maybe I should take Madam Lans' words in consideration...]

A deep breath escaping his mouth, causing the air to fog up.

[It's in a future anyways... Why am I worrying so much?]

He smiled at himself before letting out a laugh.

"I should live my life! Who am I? I'm Wei Wuxian, the free spirit. Hah, no matter what happens. Today or tomorrow, I'll do my best."

Wei Wuxian grinned before he jumped down the tree with such skill only an assasin could do. The bell tolled and it indicated that it was now Five in the morning.

"Time to go look for Xichen-ge and ask if I can do anything for today."

He giggled before walking around Cloud Recesses, still going unnoticed for some pathetic reasons. Seriously, if the disciples here don't react to him, they would've been dead if Wei Wuxian was the enemy. He let out yet another sigh, nearing the Hanshi when he saw the newly awoken Lan Xichen finishing his robes after bathing.


"Oh, XianXian."

Lan Xichen tied his sash and gave Wei Wuxian a smile.

"What are you doing here so early?"

"Oh I'm bored."

Wei Wuxian entered the Hanshi and sat on Lan Xichens' bed.

"Well, if you want to then can you help me tie my hair?"

"Ah! Yes yes!"

Lan Xichen chuckled before giving Wei Wuxian a silk and his head piece. He sat infront of Wei Wuxian who squealed like a child. Wei Wuxian started combing through Lan Xichens' hair.

"Do we have any missions today or a nighthunt perhaps?"

"Hmm, I received a report that water ghouls were disturbing Biling Lake."

"Oh? Really? Then we'll cleanse it?!"



Wei Wuxian cheered as he started tying Lan Xichens' hair. Lan Xichen just stayed calm, he's actually happy that Wei Wuxians' mood lifted up.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Mm, thank you."

Wei Wuxian placed Lan Xichens' head piece on and-


"Thank you, XianXian."


Lan Xichen stood up and helped Wei Wuxian up.

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