Serene Woods: Chapter Four

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Deep within the tulgey place, you find peace. The sound of birds chirping relaxing you and places your mind at ease. Making all the worries go away.

Lan Yi, Lan Wu, Lan Huan and Lan Zhan made their way to the Gentian House with Wei Ying in Lan Huans' embrace. As they reached there, Lan Yi knocked on the birch wood sliding door. To be opened by such a lovely woman behind.

"A-Zhan, A-Huan"

"Madam Lan"

Lan Yi and Lan Wu bowed before the woman who greeted them back with a smile. Just before she can talk to her sons, she descried someone in Lan Huans' grasp.

"Who might the young master be?"

Wei Ying turned his head and gave a bow fit enough for his posture.

"This young master is called Wei Ying, Madam Lan..."

Madam Lan only giving a bright smile in return.

"Why don't you come down so that you feel more comfortable?"

Lan Huan quickly intervened by saying-

"A-niáng, A-Ying is currently injured and can not stand properly."

"Ah, I see... May I hold him?"

Lan Huan looked at Wei Ying who just gave a nod implying that he'd like to get to know this kind woman. Lan Huan gently placed Wei Ying on Madam Lans' lap, her cradling him as if he were her own.

"A-Zhan, where did you meet the young master?"

"I saw him in the snow... wanted to take him back to Gusu with me..."

Madam Lans' eyes widened in surprise. She didn't imagine her son to be beguiled by someone who came from the outside, much like her own love story once upon a time.

"Wei Ying... Such a lovely name"

Lan Zhan stepped closer and sat besides Madam Lan in order to keep in touch with Wei Ying, making the rest cachinnate silently.

"What is it A-Zhan?"

Lan Zhan mumbled a few words with his ears darkening in color.

"Eloquent, A-Zhan"

"Take care of... Wei Ying"

Madam Lan gave out a smile, a warm one.

"Do you want me to?"


Lan Huan sat next to their mother as well.

"Shifu is going to come here after the talk with the elders A-niáng."

"I know that, A-Huan"

Lan Yi and Lan Wu watches them, seeing how much they'd look like a perfect family. They were bewildered to hear some small snores that were coming from non other than the young master.

"I think A-Ying didn't get much sleep last night"

"Did I make Wei Ying stay up late?"

"No you didn't Second Young Master Lan, Wei Ying enjoyed singing us to sleep"

"Singing you to sleep you say..." [I guess he is their son]

Lan Huan stroked Wei Yings' hair as Lan Zhan held his hand.

"A-Zhan, A-Huan... You bought home a Felicity"

"Thank A-Zhan"

"I want to keep Wei Ying here in Gusu with me"

"Why do you want to keep a stranger in Gusu with you A-Zhan?"

Lan Zhan was confounded but he tightened his grip on Wei Ying.

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