Fell Down a Rabbit Hole: Chapter Thirty-Three

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Strangers watching and whispers can turn to talking, talking can turn to screams. People say don't rush into things but things can be interesting and exciting. We can find something new and we can pretend it can last forever.

The next morning, Lan Haozhi checked the Gentian House and sure enough he saw both Lan Zuàn and Wei Wuxian drunk on the floor. Passed out and he can smell the strong scent of alcohol. He sighed before going out and coming back with a tray in his hand. Placing the needs on the table before he shook the two awake.

"A-Ying, My lady. Wake up now, it's past Eight."

Wei Wuxian and Lan Zuàn groaned before they sat up properly, Wei Wuxian couldn't open his eyes because they were so puffy.

"Ah, A-Zhi... You're here..."

Wei Wuxian stayed quiet but still trying to open his puffed up eyes.

"You drank last night? Hahh, you should've told me. Come now, drink tea."

Wei Wuxian was given a cup of bitter tea and he instantly jerked up and shook the feeling away.

"Agh! Ah?! What time is it?!"

"The lessons have strated A-Ying, don't worry. You're excused."

"Am I? Oh, I'm Sorry."

"There's nothing to feel sorry about."

Wei Wuxian sat back down and rubbed his head, he saw Madam Lan just sitting while drinking the bitter tea.

"We must've passed out on just three jars."

"The wine was overly fermented, not fresh."

"I see."

Lan Haozhi let out a huff before sitting before them.

"What happened?"

"Oh, A-Ying just had another break down."

"Madam Lan!"

"What? You know we're concerned for you."

Wei Wuxian pouted his lips.

"It's nothing."

Lan Zuàn nudged him.

"A-Ying, remember the words I told you. No matter how drunk you are, I know your memory only works that time."

"Yes, Madam Lan."



"It's about uhm ehem. What happened in the library."

Wei Wuxian burned red and hid behind his palms.

"Xichen-ge has teased me enough!"

Lan Haozhi chuckled.

"I know, I know. I just want to remind you that you can't do it yet because you are still young and not married."

"I know that..."

"I understand A-Ying will never do that mistake again, hm?"

"Yes, Xuéhuì."

Wei Wuxian swept his hair and fixed his forehead ribbon.

"Tomorrow is a week end. You should take it as a chance to rest up, A-Ying."

"Oh uh, okay. Thank you, Xuéhuì."

"I just want the best for you, you've been stressed lately."

"Ah... You've noticed?"

"Being observant is one of my talents."

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