Desiderium Ardent: Chapter Thirty-Five

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Sometimes it's better to focus on yourself. Because in everyday and every hour, you'll only end up having yourself. And in the end, can you tell yourself if it was worth a try? To try and hold on?

Wei Wuxian maneuvered his sword as he held on tightly to his fellow disciples collar. Suibian was built for speed, not strength. It was getting hard for Wei Wuxian especially Su She kept on wriggling around like a worm placed in salt.

[Must not let go!]

Wei Wuxian convinced himself to hold on tighter to his fellow disciple. Even though the thoughts of just letting him go circled his mind. The water borne abyssal parts attacked them continuously. Wei Wuxian lifted his head and desperately searched for an opening, now spotting one when he saw a worried Jiang Wanyin above him. Gritting teeth as he moved Suibian to go up. Jiang Wanyin had let out his hand to grab Wei Wuxian but instead, the young master threw Su She up in the air. Jiang Wanyin caught the Lan disciple as he saw his friend loose balance on his sword and fall down like a God being banished from the heavens' ground. Into the deep waters, Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji saw this as he desperately tried to go as fast as he could but Bichen couldn't surpass time, now he saw Wei Wuxian plummet down into the abyss. Lan Wangji caught a glimpse of those silver eyes looking at him, as if telling him to trust him.


As the young master fell into the waters, he was immediately dragged to the heart of the abyss. Feeling the immense amount of water entering his lungs slowly as he began to choke on the liquid. He held his breath to the best of his abilities, not until something started tugging on him.

[A hand...? Made of water...?]

Wei Wuxian felt wisps trying to open his mouth up as he jerked around the water.

[What the?!-]

Come Closer...


I'm here...

Wei Wuxian saw a discarnate figure nearing him.

Accept me...

Wei Wuxian felt his vision fail him as he started to loose consciousness. He can't hold on any longer, he has to swim up but these things are keeping him bounded. One even trying to untie the clan ribbon off of him.

Wei Wuxian...

Wei Wuxian prepared for worse. He just came back from a coma and now he's dying? Again? Maybe that fortune teller was God and he just said "Joke", you're dying now.

[I really have bad luck...]

Wei Wuxian...

Wei Wuxian closed his eyes, slowly water filled him in. The light bore unto him. He can feel himself sinking down. Is it any wonder things get dark? He's so low below, he feels it coming up. Oh no...

Oh no...

[Lan Zhan... I'm sorry... I can't save us... My Lan Zhan... We fall... I built my love on shaky grounds... Oh no... I built it up to pull it down...]

Wei Ying...

Tell me why this has to end...

Lan Wangji had retrieved Wei Wuxian from the water, he was unconscious. The feeling of that fear he felt once more boring into him. Lan Wangji carried him bridal style as he hurriedly flew to the closest grounds to at least save him. Save him now.

"Wei Ying... I'm here..."

Lan Xichen was more than worried for this because he doesn't want to see his brother crying over Wei Wuxian and he doesn't want to cry himself too because he can't have little princess tea parties with Wei Wuxian. They reached land as Lan Wangji immediately laid Wei Wuxian down on the concrete ground. Transferring spiritual energy to the unconscious body of Wei Wuxian, Lan Xichen took his Xiao out and started playing "Cleansing". Seriously, can a flute help right now? Lan Xichen continues to toot toot play the flute.

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