Little Steps: Chapter Twelve

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There are some things that should be kept hidden and some things that should be said. Not all things cause trouble, but keeping it will surely do. Just rely on someone else to help you.

Lan Zhan pulled Wei Ying along to the Jingshi, his room. Making the young master seat on the bed as he sat next to him.

"Lan Zhan! You're so cruel! Pulling me here with such force."

"Shouting is prohibited, you've been doing so ever since we've walked."

"Because you were pulling me."

A moment of silence took over. Lan Zhan holding tight on Wei Yings' hand.

"Is that why you're sad?"


"You should've told me earlier on so we could tell them to A-diē-"


Lan Zhan was befuddled when he heard Wei Ying shout and grip his hand tight.

"Why? Why can't we tell them?"

"Because it's not important."

"Wei Ying-"

"Telling them will only make it worse..."

The young masters' eyes were red with water circling on his water line.

"Calm down Wei Ying."

"But when I tell on them they'll just make it worse and it'll cause more trouble. Because of me, I cause a lot of trouble and and I-"


Wei Ying froze when he heard Lan Zhans' cold voice.

"Wei Ying. Be strict with yourself, Love and respect oneself, Lying is prohibited, Do not fear the strong, Do not be overly sad, Do not exult in excess, Do not grieve in excess, Speak meagerly for too many words only bring harm, Do not take your own words lightly, Do not act impulsively, Maintain your own discipline, Uphold the value of justice, Shoulder the weight of morality, Embrace the entirety of the world, Discipline your own words and behavior, Concentrate on cultivating, Being frugal is a virtue, Don't be unreasonable. Do not disregard laws and rules."

Lan Zhan tightened his grip on Wei Ying with an expression that had both sad and angry.

"You've broken so many rules. Did I fail to help you...?"

"No it's not that!"

Wei Ying threw himself and locked Lan Zhan in a hug. Falling on the bed as the both of them embrace each other.

"I'm sorry Lan Zhan. I won't keep any secrets anymore! Please don't blame your self. It's mine, okay? Lan Zhan."

Lan Zhan strokes the young masters' hair as he closed his eyes.

"You aren't alone anymore, Wei Ying. I promised you."

"Earn trust, Believe sincerely, Be loyal, Do not break promises."


Time passed as they stayed cuddling each other.

"Lan Zhan..."


"What do you think will happen if I tell them what's wrong...?"

"Many things will happen, but you should not make assumptions."

"Haha, why am I even surprised..."

Lan Zhan buried his hand in Wei Yings' hair that smelled like a dozen of fragrant flowers.

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