Liquid Courage: Chapter Nineteen

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There are two distinct types of courage. The one you bare to have when you are awake and one you have when you are too fucked up to stay sober.

Wei Wuxian leapt in the air as he landed on a tree. He deactivated the binding talisman to let Lan Wangji move freely.

"It's a Yao!"

The rest of them got into position and waited for the next attack. From there onwards they haven't found any signs of Wei Wuxian nearby. The lot began to panic but Lan Wangji stayed calm. As the Yao began to attack once again using it's veins, a sword with red light came swooping in and cutting the veins in pieces. It was Suibian, and in front of the Yao stood a determined Wei Wuxian. They stood behind him as support, while Lan Wangji stood besides him. Using their swords, it flew and started cutting through each veins that attacked them, Wei Wuxian once again leaping in the air and making a round house kick, enough to gather air and push it to the Yao. Landing on top of it with his sword and finishing it up with a prayer and a smile.

"Rest in peace..."

The Yao has been defeated. Lan Wangji was more proud to see Wei Wuxian succeed in defeating something strong with a triumphant smile. Wei Wuxian ran and hugged Lan Wangji tightly.

"Did you see that?! I did it!"

Lan Wangji placed a hand on his back and one running through his hair. He leaned in closer and buried his face in the young masters' neck.

"Mn. You did well, Wei Ying."

The hug tightened as Wei Wuxian felt happy that he was strong enough, at least to protect Lan Wangji. The seniors and co-students congratulated and gave Wei Wuxian more advice, as he took it in and wanted to learn even more so. On the walk back to the inn, Lan Yong kept on talking with Wei Wuxian, making Lan Wangji uncomfortable.

"Say Wei Wuxian, what was that trick you used when you jumped into the air?"

"Oh, that was just a practice I did out of reflexes. I'm still not really good at it though."

"No no! Really! You were awesome!"

"Thank you, Lan Yong."

"Say, would you like to play with me and Lan Qie when you have the time?"

"Ah, sorry sorry. I want to spend my time with Lan Zhan more often."

"Why do you want to spend more time with him?"

"Because Lan Zhan is fun to be with and we do everything together."

"Oh, I see. Then what about going night hunting?"

"I'll have to ask Madam Lan and Qingheng-Jun for that. A-diē too because he might worry."

Lan Yong clearly wasn't pleased.

"That's fine, we can always have time to talk another time."

"Mhm, I'll try and talk to you as much as I can."

A smile was on La Yong's face before he turned his gaze to the second jade who locked a cold piercing gaze at him. Clearly holding Wei Wuxian tightly.

"Lan Zhan, want to share the room with me?"


Wei Wuxian turned to a senior and they nodded at him. Entering the Inn as both boys waited patiently and walked quicky upstairs.

"It's my second time spending my time in an Inn again! So tired~"

Wei Wuxian sat on the warm bed as he placed Suibian down on the table. Lan Wangji doing the same as he too, places Bichen next to Suibian.

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