Goes Back Around, To You: Chapter Fifty-Five

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Peace is temporary but it can be chosen to be forever.

Jin Guangshan shoved all of the things off of his desk.

"Damn it! It's all because of that brat! That fucking brat!"

Jin Guangshan tugged on his hair.

"All of it is ruined!"

There was a knock on his window. He quickly opened it as a man in Lan robes entered the room.

"What's the news?! What happened?!"

"You idiot!"

Jin Guangshan was slapped as he fell unto the floor.

"Everything is ruined because of your idiocy!"

"Elder Jin Li Mao please!"

Li Mao glared at him.

"There are Wens living in my sect!"

Jin Guangshan was on his knees.

"Help me get out! I swear I can fix everything! We'll create a siege against Gusu Lan!"

"You fool!"

Li Mao kicked Jin Guangshan on the stomach.


"Throw a siege? For what?"

"Didn't you say that kid uses demonic cultivation?! There's a new Sect willing to form an alliance with me!"

Li Ma glared at him.


"Moling Su! Their sect leader is Su Minshan!"

"Moling Su?"

"Yes! They can burn Gusu Lan and kill the Wens for you! They can kill that brat for you!"


Li Mao got on the window.

"Three days. I give you three days."

"That is enough!"

Li Mao closed the window as he made his way back to Gusu. Jin Guangshan changed into peasant clothes as he made his way to the Moling Su Sect.

Wei Wuxian stayed up, looking for a way to destroy the Stygian Tiger Tally.

"Wei Ying."

"It's past Twelve Lan Zhan, go to bed."

Wei Wuxian blew the candle out.

"I'll go to the library to read instead, I don't want to disturb you."

Before Wei Wuxian could leave, Lan Wangji pulled him to the bed.

"Lan Zhan!"

"Wei Ying should rest."


"Wei Ying."

Wei Wuxian flushed red as he buried his face in Lan Wangjis' chest.

"You always say I'm shameless but you do the most shameless things."

"That's because I-"

"Don't say you love me..."

"Then I fancy you. I adore you. I like you. I want to be with you. I want to hold your hand, embrace and kiss you until I loose my breath."

Wei Wuxian could feel his heart quicken in pace and his body heating up.

"Lan Zhan! You're so shameless!"

"I'm simply being honest, My love."

"Ahhh! This is so frustrating!"

Vad Leal EuonymousHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin