𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟼

Start from the beginning

The black car door opened and there was Harry, with a big smile on his face. "It's good to see you again...." He paused, looking slightly embarrassed. I tilted my head, slightly confused. 

"Sorry, I just realized how rude I was when we first met, I only know you as Ms. Carter." He ran a hand through his hair, slightly exasperated.

I let out a small girly laugh, "Oh I never even realized that! Call me Elle." 

He smiled, opened the door, and offered his hand, "It's nice to see you again, Elle." I took it and took a seat in the plush, maroon interior of the car. Harry certainly had a style that he stuck with. 

He slid into the seat right next to me. He was dressed in an all black suit and a black dress shirt. His hair  was in its naturally curly state, and he had a big white smile on his face. His brown eyes were filled with warmth as he looked at me. 

Any girl would've been swept off her feet by him, but I was suspicious of him, his business practices, his family, and what his father did to my family. I also was a little preoccupied with a certain spider-boy. 

I looked over to him and smiled, "So, what are the plans for tonight?" 

"I was planning on taking you out for dinner, and then maybe a dance after. How does that sound?"

I clapsed my hands together in fake excitement, "That sounds really fun!"

I continued to keep up the act, but I felt grosser by the minute. I didn't want to be anywhere near the offspring of the man who inadvertently killed my brother. I swallowed my pride and continued to talk with Harry. 

The serum was never Harry's fault, but it still hurt me to interact with him. But I kept saying the same thing to help keep myself focused. 

It's for a good cause. 

The car stopped and I glanced over my left shoulder to look out the window. W had arrived at Daniel, one of the most expensive restaurants in New York. 

I looked back over to him, "Harry, this is too much."

He laughed, shook his head, and got out of the car to open the door for me. He talked as I got out of the car, "Nothing is  too much! This is our first date, I had to make it good." He laughed and offered his arm. 

I laughed with him, but spotted something moving out of the corner of my eye. I looked up to the top of the building and....there was Pete. Harry was occupied with the front server and our reservation, which gave me enough time to flash a dirty look to him. 

I shook my head and looked up at him, mouthing the word "Leave." I saw his masked head shake a no in response. I pulled out my phone, texted a quick,

"Peter. Stop it. I have it all under control."  I sent the message, chucked the phone in my purse, and walked into the restaurant on Harry's arm, not looking towards the pesky spider again. 

We were hustled to the back of the restaurant, in a luxurious looking booth. We had been sat against a wall, and it seemed very private compared to the very busy restaurant. We were attended to by multiple members of staff. 

I threw a teasing look over to Harry, "Pays off to have a famous company, huh?" 

He chuckled, "It has its benefits." 

I spent our ordering time trying to warm up to him and get to know him, trying to wedge myself further into his thoughts.

He interrupted me as I asked my fifth question. 

"Woah, woah, woah. Enough about me. What about you? Do you have any siblings?"

I let out a fake laugh,  "Sorry, I'm just slightly nervous. Ummmm..." I debated on how much to tell him, wondering if it would damage my fake identity I created. "I----" I paused and took a deep breath, "I had an older brother, but he just recently passed away." 

A somber look passed into his eyes, "I'm sorry. I understand how it feels to lose a family member."

"It's alright. I've learned to deal with it by distracting myself with my work."

He let out a small laugh, "You and I are quite similar." 

We continued talking and a red and blue figure caught my eye. Yet again, it was Peter, still watching my fake date. I continued to ignore him, but it was annoying me. Did he not trust me? Did he not believe in my powers?

I felt a slight buzzing in my purse that shook me out of my thoughts. I stood up, thinking it was probably Miles or Peter. "Will you excuse me? I'm just going to go freshen up." 

He smiled, "Of course."

I waited until I was in the empty powder room before I pulled out my phone. Thankfully it was Miles, because I was slightly annoyed at Peter. 

"Hey Miles."

"Hey L! How's the date going?"

"It's going good. I think I've wedged my foot in the door for that party ticket." 

"Great! That's exactly what we need. I was just calling to check in and make sure everyone was going to plan." 

"Thank you. Hey, one more thing. Please get Peter off my tail. He's been watching me the entire time even though I have everything under control. It's really getting on my nerves."

"I thought this might happen. I'll talk with him about it."

"Thank you Miles." I hung up the phone and headed back out to the restaurant. I saw him look over to me as I approached the table. He gave me a small wave, and I went to wave back, but a small tingle hit the base of my skull.

I looked around at the peaceful restaurant, then a small beeping reached my ears, getting faster and faster.


𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗  𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛// 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗  𝚡 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now