"Y-You can stop now." Theodore blushed, thankful for the bubbles on the surface.

Harry smirked at everyone's flushed faces, sinking back into the bath, gathering bubbles around himself. "I think I've embarrassed myself enough for now." He added some more bubble soap to the bath. "Seamus truth or dare?"

"Dare Harry!" Seamus grinned widely.

"I dare you to pick one person here okay? Do whatever you want to them when you choose." Harry was curious who Seamus would pick, looking to Draco who seemed just as interested.

Seamus scanned the small group, contemplating. "Anyone?"

Harry nodded.

"Okay then!" Seamus floated over to Hermione. "Ello Mione."

"Me? But aren't you?" Hermione looked very confused.

"I enjoy all bodies." Seamus caught Hermione's lips in his own, climbing into her lap.

Everyone watched stunned.

Hermione squeaked as Seamus's tongue invaded her mouth, tantalizing her senses with his hands grabbing her breasts.

Ron's jaw hung open, staring with disbelief. It seemed like everyone was on the same boat of amazement. "Bloody hell!" He scoffed.

Seamus slipped his fingers in the straps of Hermione's one piece, pulling it down to get full handfuls of her breasts all while he french kissed the hell out of her soft lips and tongue.

Hermione was far gone, leaning her head back on the stone edge, inviting him in.

Draco held Harry's hand in anticipation, both caught in the thrill of watching.

Neville didn't know what to do with himself watching all of this, he snuck a grab of himself under the bubbles, biting his lip as he stared intently.

Seamus didn't want to take it too far, unsure how Hermione would take it if he tried. He gave her one last squeeze, pulling her bathing suit back on.

Hermione was heavily breathing by the time Seamus detached his lips, floating back over next to Ron. "Good lord." She breathed, pushing her damp hair off her face.

"Let's keep the fun going shall we? Neville you are up!" Seamus smirked with a brow wiggle. "Truth or Dare my timid friend???"

Neville took a deep breath. "I'll be the first person to pick truth."

"Ohhh okay, okay I respect that! So I'll ask you then...if you could have anyone do sexual things with you right now, who would it be?" Seamus asked.

Neville tried to bite down on the insides of his cheeks to keep his mouth shut, regretting his choice. "Draco!" He blurted out loudly, covering his mouth in his hands.

Draco gaped at Neville, not thinking he would ever want that again after their little meeting in the closet. "Why?"

Neville lowered his head, fumbling his hands together in an anxious fit under the water.

"Damn, wish it worked for a second time! But you won't pick truth again will you?" Seamus chuckled.

Neville glared at Seamus for asking the very question he didn't ever want to answer. "Enough about me!" He nervously laughed. "Truth or Dare Ron?"

Ron sat up straight, showing a brave drunken expression. "Dare!"

"I dare you to give Harry a handjob!" Neville eyed Harry sugestively.

"Whut?!" Harry snapped, whipping his gaze at Neville.

"No! Absolutely not!" Ron shrieked.

"If you don't do it I'll give you a truth or another dare but they'll be much worse." Neville threatened.

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