You Will Hurt Him

Start from the beginning

Genevieve: "After Flaco died in that fire, his cousin stepped up to fill his shoes."

Cruz: "Doc?"

Genevieve: "That's right. He's calling the shots now for the Insane Kings. And before your brother can become an associate member, he's got to meet with Doc. Kiss his ass, bow down to him, that sort of thing."

Cruz: "And you don't think that Doc is gonna care that Leon quit the gang once already?"

Genevieve: "If it gets dicey, we'll be nearby, listening in. This is our chance to get Doc on record admitting that he was behind the shooting that killed Yvette."

Cruz: "Genevieve, I grew up with these guys. Doc is worse than Flaco. He's always itching to prove himself."

Genevieve: "That's why we got to stop him before any more kids get caught in his cross fire."

Cruz: "When's the sit-down happening?"

Genevieve: "Within the hour."

Matt: "Let Cruz listen in."

Genevieve: "I can't let him in that van."

Matt: "Brought me along when Antonio took down Voight."

Genevieve: "Yeah, well, the guy wearing the wire that time wasn't your brother."

Cruz: "Didn't that guy end up dead?"

Genevieve: "Unrelated" she shrugs, making a look of frustration come over Cruz's face "That's why we can't bring him along. You're too close to this, Joe. Just let us do our job. We'll take care of Leon."

Cruz: "Will you at least let me know how it goes?"

Genevieve: "I'll call you the minute it's over" she assures "Tell Ryan I'll call her later."

Matt: "Yeah."

PA: "Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, person trapped, Superior and Sangamon."

Cruz: "Genevieve."

Matt: "Hey" he motions for Cruz to hand him his phone "Come on. Gen, it's Casey. How'd it go? Drive" he orders, motioning his attention forward "Leon's fine. But I guess it got a little squirrelly. They didn't get what they need."

Cruz: "Oh, God."

Matt: "He's fine."

Cruz: "Yeah, you told me."

Woman: "It's running! It's running! You have to stop it!"

Kelly: "What's-what's running?"

Woman: "The trash compactor! Make it stop! Make it stop! My husband...he dropped his cell phone down the trash chute. He climbed in after it."

Man: "Someone help me!" he calls out from inside the compactor

Matt: "Where's that Halligan?"

Man: "Aah! Help! Someone, please!"

Ryan: "Kelly, did you figure it out?"

Kelly: "No, I can't reach the Ratchet binder on the side. It's too close to the wall."

Ryan: "What about the torch?"

Kelly: "It's worth a try. Capp!"

Woman: "I don't hear him anymore."

Mcauley: "This is gonna be a disaster. Worst call of the year, mark my words."

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