22| Father Knows Best

Start from the beginning

Hanna shook her head. "No. We have video of four people who could've killed Alison. Okay? They were in her bedroom the night she died. Can't we get in trouble for withdrawing evidence?"

"I think you mean withholding." Ivy corrected.

Hanna threw a glare in Ivy's direction.

Aria started, "Look, Spencer's right. We've jumped the gun before, and we've gone to the cops."

"And we ended up looking guilty." Emily finished.

"Yeah, and they already think that we stole something from the morgue. I don't think that we should give this to them." Spencer admitted. "Look, I know that I'm asking a lot, but, I think that I might have a way to find out more. So, can you guys just give me a chance to get into this?" She asked.

Ivy looked around at each of the girls, and nodded. "Okay."


Ivy sat in the living room, watching tv, with a pint of ice cream. The father-daughter dance was on tonight, - and seeing as she didn't have a father - she didn't go. So instead she was watching some weird tv drama that popped up. She had no idea what they were saying, as they were talking in Spanish, but was too invested to turn it off. She'd even gave them names, as she didn't know they're real ones.

She gasped when it was revealed that David was cheating on Matthew, his husband, with another man. "How dare you David! I trusted you!" Ivy shouted.

But the show p was interrupted by her phone ringing.

Incoming call

She paused the movie, and picked up the phone with a smile on her face. "Hey."

"Hey." Jason's deep voice echoed through her phone, sending butterflies to her stomach.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Just wanted to hear your voice." Jason admitted.

"Really?" Ivy questioned with a smile.

Jason laughed. "Yes, really." There was a moment of silence, then he spoke again, "What are you doing right now?"

"Currently, I am sitting on my couch, with a pint of ice cream, watching a Spanish drama."

"Did you take Spanish?" He asked.


Jason's laugh echoed through the phone. "Why don't you watch something else?" He suggested.

Ivy shrugged - even though he couldn't see her. "It's interesting." That made Jason chuckle. "Listen, I made up names for them, and I just found out that David cheated on Matthew with some other guy. They were married as well..."

The next hour was spent with Ivy updating and telling Jason what was going on as he listened over the phone. Some might see this as quite romantic, but the pair were oblivious to it.


She looked around to find Hanna standing at the doorway. "Jason, I've got to go." She told.

"Alright, see you later, beautiful."

She hung up the phone with a massive grin, but it faded once she saw Hanna's face. "What's wrong?"

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