𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟼

Start from the beginning

"Why are you awake? You should be resting." His voice was deep from him just waking up.

I gave a little laugh to try and pushed that thought out of my head but stopped because it hurt too much. "I don't like just laying down and resting. I have to be doing something," I said without looking towards him. "And I had to fix my suit."

He crossed across the room and stood next to the desk where I was working. "How are you feeling?" I felt his brown eyes fix on the top of my head. 

I looked up at him and gave him a small smile. "I'm good. I've been better, but I've had ribs broken before so I'm used to it." 

He crouched down closer to me and lifted my chin up with his finger. He was quiet as he surveyed my face. I fought to keep a blush down from my face because of how close he was. His eyebrows were drawn in what looked like worry. 

"That's weird, the cut on your cheek is much smaller than it was last night. Same with the bruise on your cheekbone" 

"It must've just healed quick."

He shook his head, "I've had cuts like that before, and they take a long time to heal because faces are constantly moving. Do you have fast-healing?"

I paused for a second. "I don't think so." But then I actually thought about it. The places on my legs that had been wrapped with bandages didn't have anything underneath them. "Wait, I might."

I took a needle from the pile next to me and stuck my finger with it. Peter grabbed it out of my hand, but it was too late, I had already done it. 

"What are you doing?! Why did you do that?!" 

"I'm conducting an experiment, Mr. Spiderman." I watched as blood beaded onto the tip of my finger. Wiping it off, I waited for another, but it never came. "Looks like your hypothesis was right." I held my finger to his face. 

"Oh my God, L." He put a hand over his face but I could see a small smile peeking out from behind it. I let out a small laugh and went back to unstitching the arms from the inside of my suit. 

"I'll make us some coffee." He stood up and walked to my kitchen. 

As I cut and replace the material from the arms I actually realized what time it was. "Shouldn't you be at school right now, Peter?"

He laughed and turned his head to me, "You think I'm going to go to school when you're this hurt? I can skip another day."

"You don't need to take care of me, I've dealt with this stuff before. And apparently, I heal fast, so It won't take too long."

"And let's just say that I want to look after you." 

What could I say to argue with that? I just closed my lips and looked back to finish reattaching the arms onto the suit. Now for the hood. 

Peter's footsteps came from behind me and then he set a steaming cup onto my desk. "Here you go."

Muttering a thank you, I started to sip on it. I ignored the way Peter just stared at me while I finished cutting out the fabric for my hood.

 "What is that?" I looked up from my work to see him motioning at his neck. Assuming he was talking about me, I reached up and touched my neck, cringing at the deep bruise I felt. I didn't want to tell him how it happened, he'd just get angry and storm off. 

"Oh, I must've gotten it while I was fighting. I don't know exactly what it's from." 

He stared at me for a second and I saw something flash across his eyes. "You're a really bad liar."

"Okay. But promise, you cannot leave and you cannot get mad." He nodded and continued to drink his coffee. 

"The Green Goblin may have surprised me and tried to choke me with a sheet." His eyes suddenly hardened. I kept talking so I could try to distract him. 

"But it was weird that he did that because almost immediately after, he wanted me to join him in 'taking over the city'. Which is incredibly stupid because he didn't even have a real base to hide out in. It was a sad abandoned building. And let me also say, he is creepy as hell. He just kept laughing every time I would try to hit him--"

"I know what you're doing. Just take a breath, I'm not gonna do anything." I stopped and took another sip of my coffee. 

"Do you know his real identity?" 

He took a deep breath, "His name is Norman Osborn."

"As in the one that ran Oscorp?!" 

"Yes. He disappeared since the last time...I saw him." A sad look crossed over his face. So I decided to change the subject so his mind wouldn't have to experience his past trauma. 

"I'll keep that in mind. By the way, where did Miles go after last night? He was the one that brought me home, right?"

"He wanted to stay, but I made him leave because he had a test today." 

"Awww look at you being responsible." I finished my coffee and then sewed the hood back onto the suit. Peter grabbed the mug and went to the kitchen. I slowly stood, the pain in my ribs only a dull ache, and surveyed the suit. Everything looked back to normal. 

I started to clean up my station but a string of webs slowly pulled me away from it. I looked back and saw Peter in the kitchen with a web-shooter on his wrist. "Don't you dare bend over to clean up the mess. I don't want you hurting yourself more."

Detaching the web from my back I said, "I'm fine. It's starting to feel better already. I can do things myself." I bent over and picked up one roll of fabric. Pain blossomed across my abdomen, but I didn't react to it because I didn't want Peter to be right. 

I turned around and unexpectedly ran into his chest. I looked up at him and his eyebrow was raised. I stepped to the side in frustration and watched as he cleaned up my mess. Then I saw the perfect opportunity to strike. 

He leaned a hand against the wall to lean down, so I trapped his hand to it with a web. "Now you get a taste of your own medicine." I laughed as he looked back at me with a surprised look on his face. 

"How did you do that?! You don't have your webshooters on!" He laughed. 

"Have you never realized that I don't have web-shooters? That's also another thing unique to my powers I guess."

"It just comes out of your wrists?" 

I laughed at his comment, "Yes, it does. I love how amazed you are about this. Miles did the same exact thing."

I manuevered around Peter and bent down to grab the fabrics. I heard his voice from above me, "No, please don't do that."

Laughing, I stood up with 3 bolts of fabric in my arms and stared him in the face. "What are you gonna do about it?" 

My smile faltered as I realized the position I was in. Peter was directly in front of me, hand trapped to the wall, and blocking my way out. He smiled as he saw me realize what I had accidentally done. 

His eyes glanced over my face and I felt my cheeks slowly flush. Then his eyes dipped down to my lips and back up to my eyes, watching my reaction. 

That's when I dipped out. I swerved under his arm and behind his back, keeping him trapped there. 

I didn't say anything, I just walked to put the bolts of fabric back into the closet. I stayed in the hallway for a second, not wanting to go back in and face the awkwardness of the room. 

Then Peter's voice drifted out from the living room, "Can I get a little help here? My arm's getting tired." I rolled my eyes and walked back towards him. 

I didn't want to think about it, but I think I was starting to like Peter. 

𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗  𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛// 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗  𝚡 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now