More Naruto Based FanFic!

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If you enjoyed Never Let You Go, be sure to check out the following Naruto based fan fiction I have written on my published page:


Hurricane Trilogy [Gaara]

They were forced to live together under certain circumstances. One with an oath to protect their Master and the other trying to find their existence on this hellish Earth. They just don't realize neither can live without the other... yet.


Enemy of Mine [Naruto Uzumaki]

Since the end of the Fourth Shinobi War, things have been peaceful. But what happens when an idol comes to the Leaf and has more to share than what was expected? Something is beginning to rise out of the ashes, and it is up to Naruto and the others to protect this new person of interest and stop the forces that are coming into being. Their very existence is threatened, forced to rely on someone who comes from behind the enemy lines. The real question is: Is she the enemy?


Naruto One-Shots *Closed to Requests*

A collection of Naruto one-shots I wrote between 2010-2018. I am no longer open to requests for one-shots as my interest has switched over to longer stories, but I wished to share some old work that fueled my passion when I was in high school and college.


Let It Burn Triology: Birth [Sasuke Uchiha]

Birth. Life. Death. The three words to a human's existence. But during those moments there arise questions: How desperate can a person be for revenge? How far can someone go to protect another? Are dreams even worth chasing anymore or are they like ashes that float away? How long is it till you've had enough? How long can you stand the pain? Will you hide? Will it hurt? Will you fight? Will you stand? Will you love? Will it end? Where will you be when it all comes crashing down? So what would you do? It's simple, really. Let it burn.


I also write for other fandoms if you're looking for something new too. Happy reading!

Never Let You Go [Zabuza Momochi]Where stories live. Discover now