Chapter 30

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The ocean was choppy as the large ship made its way towards Wave Country. No one dared to venture outside for fear of the waves washing a person overboard. Which worked to the benefit of the rogues, who stowed away in the cargo hold. They didn't have to worry about running into crew members. Lacey clung onto some netting attached to the wall so she didn't roll around herself, trying to stop her stomach from churning. Never before had she been on a ship in this type of weather.

"You don't look so good," Haku said. He placed the back of his hand against her forehead.

"Yeah, I feel it," she muttered.

"You're dehydrated, and this rocking isn't helping." A loud crack sounded elsewhere in the room, the two glancing over when Zabuza rummaged through a box.

"Here." He tossed some food in their direction.

"Won't they notice?" Lacey asked.

"We'll be long gone before that happens," he said, pulling back on the top.

Shrugging her shoudlers, the young woman felt better once filling her stomach and drinking from a canteen.

"I'll take the first watch. Get some sleep." Lacey already passed out on top of the netting, the young man adding, "And make sure she doesn't get sick."

Haku nodded in understanding, lying beside the dancer before falling asleep moments later.


Lacey felt herself be harshly shaken awake, sitting upright and glancing around in a hurry. Though it was difficult to see anything in the darkness, meaning it was still early morning. "Get up," Zabuza's rough voice sounded. He didn't wait for an answer, dragging the dancer to her feet to somewhere else in the room.

"Oof!" The air rushed from her lungs when her back slammed up against one of the crates.



A hand tightly clasped the mouth to shut her up before the faint glow of a light could be seen entering the room from the staircase. "Fucking weather," a man growled. "When I signed up for this trip traveling through these waters, braving a monsoon was not in the description."

"Shut up," his partner growled. "Just grab the damn box the captain wants and let's get out of here. I'd rather be in my room where it's dry than out here."

Their light drew closer, Zabuza quietly pushing them farther into the small space, which caused their bodies to press together and for Lacey to now be staring at his chest. The movement caused her to be mostly hidden by his form, Zabuza glancing over a shoulder. Through the wrappings she could feel his hot breath against her forehead, trying to focus on the danger at hand.

"What? Afraid of falling overboard?" the other crew member questioned.

"Among other things."

They shifted through the room. "Hey, this box isn't secured."

"So then secure it. Obviously, the storm knocked it free. So quit mucking around and do your job."

"Bastard..." the man mumbled.

Minutes ticked by until the light began to fade away, moving up the steps as the door closed once more. However, no one moved wanting to be sure they weren't coming back. "Haku," Zabuza called out. "Perimeter check."

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