Chapter 24

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Zabuza grew anxious. When the teams returned from their scouting missions, the third group that ventured into the village had yet to return. "They should've been here before us," spoke a ninja. Exactly. Their position was closer.

"We will give them ten minutes," Yupa stated.

"I'm sure they're fine," Haku reassured. Though the young man couldn't find himself believing his partner. If something happened... not only did they have to worry about compromising the mission, but begin a search for their missing comrades alive or dead. And that'd place them in danger if ninja went to swarm the village in search of more spies.

As minutes passed, Zabuza wasn't the only one growing restless. "Calm down," Yupa ordered.

"They could've jeopardized the mission," said one. "If they were kidnapped then this whole operation was for nothing."

"You have no faith in your comrades," Haku said.

"Why should I? If they can't handle their half then they are useless."

Suddenly, three forms landed on the ground behind them with undetected speed and stealth. The group whirled around, weapons at the ready. "Sorry... we're late..." Lacey breathed.

"There were guards crawling everywhere," Balto relayed. "We had to take the long way around to sneak back."

"And you're sure you weren't followed," Yupa said.

"Why do you think we're the last ones checking in?" Fin pointed out.

Yupa ordered a perimeter check just to be safe. Before they headed back to the hideout. It was obvious they'd been running for quite some time and fast, due to their labored breathing. Haku held out a canteen for the young woman to drink, who gratefully took it, while trying to calm her heartrate.

"How close were you?" Zabuza asked.

"Too close for my liking," she answered.

His eyes briefly flickered over to the ninja who accompanied her. "We will talk about this later."

"All set, boss," a rogue stated.

It was uneventful the trek back to the underground base. "I want a meeting to be held in the morning among all of the ninja," Yupa stated.

"Shouldn't we do this as soon as possible," Fin questioned.

His head shook. "It's late. Some still have yet to get in and I'd rather do this all ar once." Nodding, the group broke away. "Zabuza, a word."

"In a moment." Nodding, Yupa headed towards his room, Haku leaving for their own. The rogue turned his attention solely on Lacey. "Tell me what happened."

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Balto assigned us on what to collect. We met up halfway to the meeting point when we noticed some guards sneaking about and hid. Though..."


"Balto wanted to take them on." Zabuza's eyes darkened. "But we didn't engage. I got him to stop. But I think that's only due to the fact that his weapon pouch shifted and nearly got us discovered. So he decided against it. I honestly don't know how we managed to stay out of sight."

The young man sighed. "You have to be more careful."

"Hey, this time it was not my fault."

His eyes rolled and hid a smirk.



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