Chapter 4

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Though the last asleep, Lacey awoke first, having showered, dressed, and made her way down to the dining area. Lord Kuro was not in sight, nor his daughters. The dancer walked towards their quarters, ear listening at the door to the eldest. A shuffling noise sounded inside, enough to know Riko wasn't fully up and ready yet.

The maids were startled when the dancer walked into the kitchen, so used to seeing guests eat out at the table. Nor greet them in such a friendly manner. They fed her breakfast before the female made her way into the front room, looking at all of the items decorating the walls.

"I'm a collector," a voice spoke from the far side of the room. Looking over, Lacey watched Lord Kuro enter to stand beside her. "Old scrolls from the Land of Water and Fire, a Samurai uniform from the Land of Iron dating back two hundred years, and artifacts from the sands of the Land of Wind. History has always fascinated me."

"I've never seen anything like it in all my life," she pointed out. "The oldest things I have are these bracelets I wear."

"May I see?" Lacey removed one for the man to examine it. "They were made in the Land of Iron. I'd recognize their work anywhere. Skilled, durable, and intricately detailed by symbols and designs of the divine one. These are masterpieces. Where did you get them?"

"My mother and father when I first started dancing."

He handed the item back to her. "Beautiful. You are truly blessed to own such things. They are the only ones of their kind made."

"How do you know that?"

"The Land of Iron never makes the same design twice," he smiled. "Come, you must be starving."

"I think I'm still full from dinner last night," she laughed.

Satomi happily sat in her seat when they entered, the servants placing the food on the table. Riko dragged herself in right behind them, trying to blink away the lingering sleep. Breakfast went on uneventful and Lacey kept a watchful eye the oldest sister discretely. The chair scrapped back when the maids came to clear away their plates. "May I be excused?" Riko asked.

"If you're going outside, have Taka and Hotoro escort you around," Lord Kuro stated.

She huffed in annoyance, but nodded and took her leave. The two guards at the doors to the room followed after her. "May I excuse myself too?" Lacey asked.

Lord Kuro chuckled. "You're a guest here, Lacey. You do not need to ask for permission."

Riko sighed in relief, sucking in a big breath of fresh air. A chance to escape the inside of her household, even if only for a few hours. Time like this she looked forward to everyday. These so called 'guards' could never keep up with her, and they knew it.

"Lady Riko, stop!" Taka yelled. The older teen darted away into the maze.

"Not again," Hotoro grumbled. The men quickly pursued. "We need to keep a leash on her."

Left, right, another left, then right. She lost them in no time, watching the two men rush past her small hiding place. Waiting a few minutes Riko emerged before back tracking and then moving to the opposite end of the grounds.

"Wow, you really are quick." Riko jumped in shock, head whipping around. Lacey sat perched on a rock in the garden, looking down into a pool of water that harbored koi fish. The young woman looked up, smiling. "Though I don't blame you, guards can be rather annoying."

The lady huffed, turning her head away in order to ignore the dancer. Once around a bush she rushed off through the maze, coming to the south end. "It's too bad you're not a ninja." Riko yelped in surprise. "You're almost as fast as Haku." Irritated by Lacey, the girl turned, walking another way. However, no matter where the older teen ran, the dancer was already waiting.

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