Chapter 10

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It started growing warmer out, meaning the rogues busier than usual on missions. This also meant sleeping outside more to save money on renting a room or having to scout for a deserted residence. Though nothing changed Zabuza's attitude towards the dancer's presence. He acknowledged her existence, but in no way, shape or form was he allowing her to have an active role when it came to facing off against targets. Despite the fact that her talents were growing under Haku's guidance.

The teen turned into an excellent teacher, bringing Lacey to the level of a Chuunin just before the warmer months hit. "I didn't think it would've ever happened," he mused. A small smile graced his lips from the comment.

"Believe me, you weren't the only one," the young woman grinned. "Though even if I'm at this level I don't think Zabuza will ever see me as a ninja. Or trust me again after the Riko incident."

"Maybe not, but I know what you're capable of. I'm not about to throw away an asset if we get into trouble or need help with something. I will use it. Even if Zabuza disagrees."

"Well that makes one of you."

Haku shook his head. "Just give him time. Unless, now that you're trained you want to stop in a Village somewhere to be properly ranked."

Lacey rolled her eyes. "As if. I'm content where I am, even if someone doesn't like me all that much."

"Good to know."


It was another night after a long day of traveling to their next client. Lacey disappeared into the forest to look for a water source, Haku following once the rogue close his eyes. "Going to train her again?" Zabuza questioned. Of course, it was impossible to ever sneak by him. "You're wasting your time, Haku. That girl is never going to get anywhere."

"She may surprise you," the teen answered. "Come to our session. Just see what she's accomplished. You don't have to let her know you're there."

"Why should I even bother?"

"Like I said, she may surprise you." Haku left it at that.

Zabuza fought with himself on whether to go watch them train or not. Seriously though, how much could she have grown? They'd been at it for months with little to no progress. Only two months passed since Haku took over. He doubted Lacey grew stronger in such a short amount of time. When sleep refused to come, Zabuza stood. At least watching this 'match' would be a way to pass time. Though he fully counted on Haku wiping the floor with the young woman once more.


Chapter Inspiration: Thank the Watchmaker by And Then There Were None


The man hid in a nearby tree once he spotted the two companions facing each other. They just stood there in silence, the only sound coming from the light breeze in the forest. Lacey's eyes were closed, Haku wearing his mask. They were concentrating, focused. The young woman's eyes suddenly snapped open, rushing forward in a quick attack. Her newfound speed surprised Zabuza slightly. Never before had he witnessed her move that fast before.

Haku pulled out needles from the uniform and threw them in her direction. She ducked and dodged each attack, gaining ground every second that passed. Once close enough, Lacey ducked under another round of needles before snapping a foot up into the teen's jaw. Haku stumbled, but quickly regained control and threw a punch at her side. They engaged in hand-to-hand combat, arms and legs flying in an attempt to gain the upper hand.

Their arms were locked together. A needle slid into Haku's grasp and Lacey jumped away, putting some distance between them. Reaching into the pouch a kunai came forth. She threw it through the air, which deflected the opponent's attack. The dancer proceeded to cartwheel away before twisting around in a circular motion. She caught her balance and crouched low to the ground.

Both froze in order to watch their other's movements. Now, Zabuza was clearly interested. This had to be a clone. No way this was Lacey fighting. Impossible.

"Feather Jutsu," she whispered. The young man barely caught it at this distance.

Digging her toes into the ground, the young woman snapped forward through the air. Faster than previous attacks. Haku barely had time to throw up the arms in protection. She disappeared in a flash only to appear for a split second at very angles around his position. As if she were everywhere, which made it nearly impossible to track.

Haku and Lacey began throwing jutsus at each other; water whips and ice needles verses fireballs and fire whips. Suddenly, the two stopped, facing each other head on. They formed the same hand sign, yelling, "Ice Glacier Jutsu!"

Ice ripped up from the ground to clash in the area between them. The impact sent ice everywhere, the wind from the kick back blowing shards around. It made it difficult to see. When Haku looked up, Lacey cleared the top, coming in with a leg kick. She used the ice to her advantage by skating up the side. The teen jumped out of the way before contact was made. Once her feet touched the ground, she raced after Haku once again. Right as they were about to meet, Lacey forced herself high into the air, having pulsed chakra into her hands to help on the dismount of a cartwheel. Haku and Zabuza watched her movements, the opponent ready for a frontal attack.

Lacey twisted herself around before forming another hand sign. "Fire Dance Jutsu!" she yelled. Scarves of fire swirled around her body in a heat wave, transforming into a vortex of flames. It flew towards Haku, melting the snow and gave chase. Lacey landed on the ground and watched the attack slowly die away. The display depleted the young woman's chakra levels.

Haku stopped as well, pulling up the mask. "Very good, Lacey," he praised. "You were able to hold it longer than last time." She gave a tired smile before falling onto her butt in exhaustion. "What do you think, Zabuza?"

The young woman's eyes widened, feeling his presence suddenly behind her. Looking up, she could tell Zabuza was smirking. "What the hell was that?" he questioned. "You were holding back on me before."

"Your methods were impossible," Haku pointed out. "We managed to combined her dancing and shinobi techniques together. That's what made her progress so fast."

"So you were just a puzzle that no one knew how to piece together, huh?" Lacey grinned sheepishly. Zabuza's hand came down on top of her head roughly, but not in an aggressive way. Instead, the young man ruffled her hair. "Good job. Maybe you're not as useless as I thought you were."

Lacey rolled her eyes, looking away while slightly blushing in response. "Whatever you say, Zabuza..."

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