Chapter 22

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Something shifted in the room, the sound of light footfalls barely audible as the sleepy daze began to lift. Shifting, Lacey's brows began to pinch, and a hushed noise reaching her ears, "Quiet."

"I think she's waking up."

"Nico, shh!"

Eyes fluttering open it was difficult to focus at first, almost expecting to be blinded by the sun. However, there was no bright light. Remembering that they were not in the forest but underground. Which is why when her sight cleared, Lacey became surprised to see five pairs of eyes looking down at her on the roll out mat.

"Who are you?"

The dancer sat up abruptly, looking between the children who surrounded her. "Where did you all come from?" she whispered in wonder.

A little girl sat on her lap, the dress dirty and ripped, but anyone could see that it had once been a beautiful garment. "You're really pretty," she spoke with a lisp. "I'm Lisa."

A chuckle sounded, drawing the young woman's attention. Haku sat on the floor in the corner of their small living space, playing a card game against a small boy. "Sorry, Lacey," the teen said. "You were sleeping so soundly I didn't want to disturb you."

"What time is it?" She noticed Zabuza missing among their numbers.

"Early morning still. But you know Zabuza. He can never wait and went in search of Yupa." He laid a card down on the floor, causing the child to look at his cards in hand. "Our presence seems to have caused a stir among the habitants of this place."

"That man is scary," spoke Lisa. Lacey looked back, finding her lip puffed out in a pout.

"They couldn't wait to see us." Haku chuckled. "Well, more like you once they saw you sleeping. Nao here couldn't help himself and ran off to tell all of his friends." The two-year-old standing to the dancer's right blushed.

Lacey cleared her throat and addressed the children, "How... would you like to play a game?"

Their eyes lit up in excitement. "What kind of game?" Nico spoke up.

"Hide and seek."

"Who's hiding? Who's hiding?" a girl asked.

"I want to be on the pretty lady's team!" Lisa cheered.

Lacey chuckled. "Who you're looking for has already hidden themselves."

"Who? Who?"

"Yupa... and my friend Zabuza."

"That scary man?" Nao asked.

"He's not that scary... Well, not all the time."

Haku nearly laughed, placing down his hand for he lost.

"Whoever finds them... will receive a gift."

Now more excited than ever, the children rushed off through the flap. However, Lisa clung to the front of the dancer's shirt. "I want to go with you."

Lacey gave a kind smile, standing. "Of course."

The rogue stood, brushing off his hands. "We'll come too." Nao slipped his hand into Haku's, walking from the room.

Lacey became amazed upon seeing the underground structure for the first time. The space was massive, stretching down three levels with similar holes lining the walls and sheets draped over the entrances, while some still laid bare. Most likely they were more tunnels. Wooden bridges stretched over the space so crossing the large wrap around was easier, ladders pressed up against some of the walls on the bottom floor. But what really struck Lacey was the amount of people, who didn't particularly look like ninjas.

"I thought we were in a tunnel?" Lacey breathed.

"Only for half of the trip," Haku answered.

"And you knew?"

"Only that we were no longer surrounded by walls of earth in a confined space. I didn't realize how extensive the network was until this morning when the lights were turned on."

Lisa tugged on the front of Lacey's shirt and pointed down a walkway. "Let's go, Miss!"

The children came running back to Lacey and Haku when they were exploring the second level. "We found them! We found them!"

Both men stood around a table alongside other ninja, discussing important details. The group waited until they wrapped up to approach, only Zabuza and Yupa left.

"Yupa! Yupa!" the kids cheered.

The man smirked, patting Nao on the head. "What is it children?"

"We found you!"

Chuckling, he looked up at Lacey and Haku. "Playing a game with them, are you?"

"Yupa... what are all of these children doing here?" Lacey asked.

"Their parents are around, but some are orphans of clients and comrades that served under me."

"The rogues."

"Yes, we were hit without warning and lost many valuable people. Those who are underground are the ones that ran away for safety. Since they lives were in danger."

"Then who are the ones on the surface?"

"Some are still inhabitants of the town, but they live in fear of the enemy. Though they are in no immediate danger. And some are rogues in disguise."

"Which is why you brought us here."

Yupa nodded. "I was just discussing the matter with Zabuza. They know there is a leader of this group, but have never been able to pinpoint me to the position. That is how I manage to function above to try and gain as much information as possible."

"However, their numbers are greater," Zabuza cut in. "We could easily be overpowered if attacked."

"So we need to gain more recruits," Lacey said.

"But that is difficult," Yupa cut in. "Being rogues we're not on good terms for the most part among former comrades, even if retired. Besides, it's not uncommon for rogues to hunt each other."

"Basically what you're saying is that what's here is what we've got."

"Yes. Which is why I called in the Demon of the Hidden Mist. I knew of his abilities and his companion, Haku. Though I vaguely heard of you, my dear."

"Because she's not a ninja," Zabuza cut in. "She's in training, but not up to a level needed for this mission."

Yupa nodded. "Still, I could use Lacey elsewhere. It is obvious you're good with undercover operations from what he has told me. You know how to blend in and that's a good skill to have. But for now, you are welcome to play among the children. It's been a while since they've had guests." The kids grew excited, talking amongst themselves. "Now, if you will excuse me, I am needed on the surface. Feel free to roam. We will act on the next phase of the plan tonight."

The three watched him leave through the flap, the young man huffing. "Explain to me how we manage to always pick up these jobs," Zabuza grumbled. "Why can't there ever be a simple assassination mission?"

"Because these usually end up paying more in the end and you've complained in the past about how tight we've been on money," Haku said.

Lacey grinned, biting her lip to try and not snicker. Little hands tugged at her pants, causing her to look down. "Let's keep playing!" Nico said.

"Hide and seek! Hide and seek!" cheered others.

"Let's go then," the dancer said. The two rogues watched them leave, causing Haku to smile.

"I think they've all taken a liking to her. Wouldn't you agree?"

Zabuza grunted. 

Never Let You Go [Zabuza Momochi]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن