Chapter 36

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"Why are you hesitating?" The two were at a standstill, the Leaf Ninja trying to comprehend why the rogue would want to take his life so easily. After all that effort to keep them pinned down.

"I don't understand!" Naruto shouted. "Is being strong the only reason for you to be alive?"

Haku didn't answer.

"Something other than fighting... you could have been acknowledged for something else."

"The day I met you in the forest I thought you were like me," the teen admitted. "You should be able to understand. I'm sorry that you will have to stain your hands."

"And you believe this is the only way?"


Teeth clenching, Naruto drew a kunai ready to strike. Lacey... His mind drifted to the young woman, someone he had grown to care for deeply as a friend. And maybe even possibly as a sister or a motherly figure. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. He would miss seeing her kind smile. "Please fulfill your dreams."

Zabuza purposely waited in anticipation watching the Copy Ninja through the mist. His hand itched to rip through every Leaf Ninja that opposed him. "You're right, Kakashi let's end it–!"

Suddenly the ground around the young man broke apart as multiple dogs sprang up out of the surface and latched onto the rogue's body and held him in place.

"What the hell?"

"I realized if I couldn't see you, then I could smell you out," Kakashi stated. The swordsman's weapon was still stained with the Jounin's blood. The lingering smell allowed his animals to track the rogue's location. "Falling into my trap, I'm disappointed. The mist is lifting, and I see your death."

"Are you trying to talk me to death?" he grunted. Zabuza attempted to pry himself away from the animals without success.

"With one order they will rip you apart. You are always pushing too far. It's time to introduce you to my own jutsu." Energy surged in his palm, the electrical currents growing with every passing second. "Lighting Flame!"

Zabuza's eyes widened.

"I won't allow you to kill Tazuna because you don't care about anything."

The rogue smirked, ready to take the blow head on. "Your right, I don't care. I have my own dream." He'd show the Jounin he was stronger than that jutsu.

"To have a dream, you need a future, and you don't. It's all used up."

As Naruto rushed forward and the teen awaited his impending death the surging chakra at the other end of the bridge drew his attention. Haku's head snapped up and stopped the Leaf Ninja before his weapon made contact.

"I'm sorry... I can't die just yet," Haku announced. The rogue disappeared in an instant.

"What?" Naruto exclaimed. "Where the hell did he go?"

Kakashi rushed forward with the Lightning Flame aimed right for the young man's heart. It would all be over within seconds. First the fingers, then the whole hand up to the wrist passed through the skin and out the other side piercing the organ along the way from the brutal attack. However, it wasn't his main target that had been hit. The Jounin froze in shock. Even Zabuza faltered staring down at the body that separated them. The dogs released the rouge, due to the fact that the summoning jutsu was up, but the young man didn't move away.

"Za... bu... za..." Haku gasped. He weakly gripped at the Jounin's arm.

The child, the boy, the teenager that he saved from starving on the streets had thrown away his life. And there was a part of Zabuza that couldn't quite bring himself to believe it. What would Lacey say? The young man internally reeled at the thought. He couldn't be worrying about her right now. This is what it meant to be a ninja. A rogue. Always in a battle between life and death. All of them knew the risk. That not all of them may return alive at any time. There was blood everywhere as Haku's lifeless eyes stared at Kakashi with a cold smile. The teen was already dead, suspended from the hand. Zabuza had to pull himself together. Rogues couldn't show any emotion, especially when facing their enemies.

"Heh. Well done, Haku." Breaking from the shock, the young man gripped his weapon tightly. "So, my future is all used up, huh?" Zabuza laughed. "Wrong again, Kakashi!" Moving quickly into an attacking motion it startled the Leaf Ninja that the rogue meant to cut right through the teen's corpse. "I sure picked up something useful giving me this final chance!"

However, Kakashi wouldn't allow it. His other hand gripped at Haku tightly and retreated to a reasonable distance. "You'll pay for that!" Naruto shouted.

"Stay out of this, Naruto!" the Jounin ordered. He laid the body gently on the ground and closed the eyes out of respect. A glare settled on his face, pinning down the rogue. "This is my battle! He's mine!"

The two clashed in a whirlwind of attacks, countering the other until Kakashi managed to gain the upper hand. His foot slammed into Zabuza's shoulder and shattered the bone. "Damn you," the young man growled. "I'll split you in half!"

"Look at you, you're falling apart," Kakashi pointed out. Obviously, the death of his comrade rattled the rogue in some way. "You don't have it in you."

The rogue growled. "What did you say?"

Within seconds the Jounin broke the other arm, rendering both limbs incapable of fighting back. The large blade clattered against the ground.

"You don't understand what true strength is. Game over, you lose. Now both of your arms are useless. You can't even make hand signs."

"Well, well," a voice spoke from the end of the uncompleted bridge. "So this is how it turns out."

The attention of those mid fight and watching the event turned in the direction of the voice to spot a short man accompanied by a large group of rough individuals.

"Did quite a number on you, Zabuza, you look like crap. I must say I'm disappointed."

"Gato?" Zabuza questioned in a confused manner. "I don't understand, what is all of this? Why are you here? And who are these thugs you brought with you?"

"Well, you see there's been a slight change in plans. According to the new plan, you die here and now."

The rouge's eyes narrowed, not liking the fact he had been played. "What?" Zabuza growled.

"You're too expensive. So I've decided to take you off the payroll. Of course, even these thugs I brought with me cost something. So if you could manage to slaughter a few of them before they take you down, I'd appreciate that. Think you can manage that, Demon of the Hidden Mist?" He laughed at the rogue in a mocking manner. "Look at you. You look about as demonic as a wet kitten."

The thugs laughed along with him, looking forward to killing their target.

"Well, well, Kakashi, it would seem that our fight is at an end," Zabuza stated. "Since I am no longer in Gato's employ, Tazuna is safe. We have no quarrel."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," the Leaf Ninja agreed.

Gato walked forward and stopped in front of Haku's body. "That reminds me, you little punk," the boss growled. "You grabbed me and nearly broke my arm. I've been meaning to repay you for that." He kicked the corpse roughly, a murderous look in Zabuza's eyes from the action. "I only wish he was alive to feel it."

"Get away from him!" Naruto yelled. The Genin rushed forward to handle the situation.

"Stop!" Kakashi ordered. Ha managed to grab his student before it was too late. "Use your head!"

"Oh, and by the way, Zabuza, I decided to collect while you were away," Gato added. He smirked, snapping his fingers. The front line of thugs opened to reveal a beaten Lacey, hunched over on the ground. The eyes of the Leaf Ninjas widened from the sight.

"Wake up!" a thug ordered. He jerked the dancer's head up by the hair and she grunted in pain. Blood was everywhere, clothing ripped, while sporting gashes and cuts in multiple places. Zabuza had never seen Lacey in such a horrible state. It made his blood boil.

"I think I'm going to keep her. So loyal, as I told you, I like that attribute in my men and women. Caused my hired help quite a hassle back at your lodging, but no matter. Besides, she's free for the taking, isn't that right, Zabuza?"

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