Chapter 12

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Three Months Later

"That was almost too easy," Zabuza muttered. A foot held down their unconscious target. For safety reasons in case they came to.

"Well that's because we have the perfect bait and runner," Haku grinned. He glanced over at Lacey who peeked out from around a tree.

"Is that pervert finally tied up?" she asked.

"Knocked out, but soon will be."

"What made you run so fast this time?" Zabuza asked.

The dancer's cheeks blushed, "It's so embarrassing." The young man cocked a brow. More under her breath she said, "I can't believe he cocked a feel." Haku tried to hide a laugh, his partner growing amused. "It's not funny!"

"Sorry," said the teen apologized. "You should've seen your face."

"Can we just turn this guy in?"

Zabuza cocked a brow. "Someone's bossy today."

She gave him a pointed look, but didn't retaliate. The young man threw the tied-up rogue over a shoulder. The team maneuvered through the forest and steered clear of the main road. Though their client was nestled in the denser area of the forest, so it made it easier to not draw attention to themselves.

The payment was nothing to rave about. Which is why Haku picked a lock to the back door of a cabin, instead of setting up a lodging situation in an active establishment. Though their choice of shelter appeared to most likely be owned by a high-ranking individual in society. From the fully stocked bed sheets, towels, appliances, and furniture, this was one of the more lavish set ups. There were two bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen, dining room, and living room. Lacey became excited when she found the place had running water in order to take a proper shower. Not in a river while Haku stood guard. Carefully using a small amount of the body and hair products in the bathroom, so the owners did not realize she was there, the dancer basked in the warm water. Maybe a bit longer than she should, but after months on the road she deserved this.

While the rogues took their own showers, the young woman washed their uniforms. Haku dug through the tarped drawers to find options for temporary replacements. Until the clothing dried out.

She felt comfortable, finally wearing something other than the outfit worn for weeks on end. Meanwhile, Zabuza scoffed at most of his choices before settling for some lounge pants. Though the two didn't blame him. They could not see the man dressed in silk and heavily decorated clothing.

"Try and use as little lighting as possible in here," Zabuza said. "We don't want to attract attention."

"I'm surprised you chose something so close to the main road," Lacey said.

"There was nothing else in the area from Haku's scout." True. Usually, the Mist Ninjas found something more run down in the backcountry. Something this extravagant was a luxury. "We'll stick to the area tomorrow. See if those contacts work out. If not we'll move on."

"Where did you find those leads?" Haku asked.

Zabuza watched Lacey open one of the closet doors from his spot on the couch, her eyes lighting up. She tugged out a thick, fluffy blanket. "The last client. We've been in this region too long. It's time to move on."

Lacey sat down on the opposite side of the couch and she kicked her legs up. The bottom half rested in Zabuza's lap, the surface not long enough for them both. But she was tired and wanted to get some rest. Even if it was still early in the evening. "Good night," she said, settling in.

Seconds after pulling the blanket over, the rogue gripped Lacey's left ankle to hoist it off his lap. "What do you think you're doing?" the young man growled.

"Uh, trying to go to sleep. I feel bad about taking the other bed, so I'll just sleep here. But I wasn't going to kick you off the couch." The young woman was capable of falling asleep while they were still up and about.

"Sleep on the bed."


A dangerous look came to his eyes, making the dancer fearful. "Should've followed his orders," Haku muttered.

In a matter of seconds, Zabuza had Lacey wrapped and tied up in the blanket before hauling her into the bedroom. "Stop being so stubborn," he growled.

"I'm trying to be considerate! And don't you have any other way of carrying me? This is really uncomfortable!"

Zabuza tossed her onto the bed before closing the door. "And don't come out until morning," he added. The rogue sat down on the couch once more.

"I can't untie this!" the two heard her shout. Neither got up to assist. They listened to their companion struggle. Lacey rolled around on the mattress in an attempt to get out of the wrap. Finally succeeding, the young woman became exhausted from the exertion and fell asleep. No way she'd win against Zabuza by protesting to take the couch now.

Haku looked over at his partner from the corner of his eyes. Zabuza noticed the stare. "What?" he questioned.

"Nothing... I've just never seen you act like this before," the teen answered.

"Like what?"

Haku stood. "Nothing. Good night." He too retired to bed early. Scoffing, Zabuza kicked up his legs on the cushions and tugged the blanket hanging over the couch over.

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