Chapter 18

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There were more missions pouring in by the day, which forced the group to move about constantly. Targets ranged from common thieves to murderers, but they couldn't complain. The money behind the bounties and jobs paid very well. Though slowly, the consistency began to falter. When the team would meet up with their clients, they were informed that the targets had been handled by an unknown person. Who never collected the money. That did not please Zabuza.

Not only that, but rogues were disappearing. At first it wasn't noticeable. The rogue didn't pay much mind. Less competition for him. But when visiting bounty collection stations Haku was the one to point out the increasing numbers when looking through some of the logs.

"Yes, they are becoming the most popularly hunted as of late," said the collector.

Zabuza cocked a brow. "And why is that?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. But a word of advice to watch your head."

"Half of these kills have happened in your district though," Haku said. "Shouldn't you have had contact with the killer."

"See that's the thing. The killer never turns them in." That was unusual. "It's been other rogues or ninjas passing through who come in. Though I can't give them the full bounty since they weren't the ones to kill them."

"Rogues going after rogues is highly unlikely," Zabuza mused. "Elite undercover ninja?"

"Possible. But whoever they are it's hurting business." The man slid over the mission paper. "It's not far. The village is small with recently abandoned homes that have been taken in by other business owners. I've already rented one out for you. No one will bother you."

"There is a possibility this enemy to the rogues are still in the area. What's to say they intervene?"

"Eliminate them. I'll give you a bonus if you take them out." Zabuza nodded.

The whole time Lacey stood silently by the door. She didn't say anything as they traveled to their lodgings. Not until they were behind closed doors in a private setting. "I'm not so sure about this." The rogues looked up at the statement, it being the first thing she said in hours.

"About what?" Zabuza asked.

She looked over at them. "This mission. The person that is hunting other rogues."

"What? Afraid we'll die?"

Her eyes rolled from the response. "Something just isn't right."

"Well until you figure out why this 'doesn't feel right' we're heading out."

The young man left. "You can feel it too, can't you?"

Haku paused in the living room at the question. "I'll agree with you that something... is not right," he said. "Just don't tell Zabuza I said that."

"You are going to get hurt, or worse, killed."

He gave her a small smile. "We'd never let that happen. Just stay in the area and take your weapon pouch with you."

"I know, I know." The door closed and she sighed, "Be careful."

"She's really bothered," Haku said when meeting up with Zabuza.

"She's overreacting," he grumbled.

"Calm down, Zabuza. Lacey has a right to be worried with someone out here hunting rogues. We don't know who we're up against."

"Feh, it's nothing we can't handle."

Haku hoped he was right.

The young woman couldn't take staying in the rented house for another second, grabbing the weapons pouch and leaving. The streets were very empty, only a few merchants hanging around the front of their shops. Lacey offered kind smiles, only to see forced ones returned. Not one of the friendliest places they stopped at.

Never Let You Go [Zabuza Momochi]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant