Chapter 28

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It was so quiet, back at their hideaway, which they couldn't even call it anymore since the town had been liberated. And after helping the reinforcements back to camp the civilians waiting were more than happy to see those who'd been stuck in the tunnels. Nao hugged Lisa and Nico tightly crying out of happiness that his friends were alive. But that's not to say lives were not lost. Some weren't so lucky. They were tended to and fed, all sharing stories of what happened after Yupa's decision to abandon the tunnels.

The celebration didn't last long, the group exhausted from the night's events and falling asleep wherever they could find room. Zabuza was amused at the sight of his partner passed out on a mat under a tree only inches away from Lacey, who changed out of the ruined clothing into something more comfortable. She'd been instructed to sleep inside with the others, but naturally didn't listen. The dancer gave up her spot to someone else who was injured. Lying out on his own mat beside the young woman, the rogue got comfortable by clasping his hands together under his head, eyes closing. It had been a long day and could not wait to finally sleep it all off. Haku and him had been through enough in the last few days and for the first time in a while the young man decided they were in need for some time off.

Something warm pressed against his side, causing his eyes to crack open and glance over. In her sleep, the dancer rolled over and scooted closer. The young woman's nose was pressed against the fabric. He had half a mind to move away, but for some reason his body said differently staying in place. Zabuza even allowed one of her hands to grip at his shirt. Slowly, he too fell asleep, unconsciously moving an arm and wrapping it around Lacey to pull her closer.


The sun had just barely begun to rise when the dancer's eyes fluttered open. She was so warm it felt comforting, not wanting to move from that spot. But when the young woman realized the item she clutched at began shifting on its own that caused her to tense. Carefully, Lacey glanced up finding the soundly sleeping rogue right beside her. And she didn't dare move noticing the arm wrapped around her. Thank goodness the others were spread out, otherwise the rogues would've probably given Zabuza an earful since he was in fact the Demon of the Hidden Mist. But how was the dancer going to get out of this situation?

The ninja began to stir, Lacey quickly closing her eyes and completely relaxing her body, something Haku taught her when trying to pretend to be dead if the situation called for it. Zabuza blinked away the sleep from his eyes, grunting when a shoulder popped from how stiff it became. Gathering his surroundings, the rogue was startled to find out what happened in his sleep. Slowly, carefully, the young man removed the arm, pulling free his shirt slowly, not wanting to wake the sleeping dancer and stood. Trying to shake off the fact that they had... slept that closely together again, the young man left Haku to sleep and disappeared towards the hideout.

When the coast was clear Lacey's eyes opened viewing the forest from her sidesway position. It sounded so quiet, peaceful. Beautiful, after the last few days of fighting for survival in the dark. Haku was still sleeping away. But the dancer was more concerned with other matters. Like the thought that kept plaguing her mind since being stuck in the tunnels and continued to bother her when being tended to after the battle. Standing, Lacey began walking on her own. She needed to talk to someone otherwise the young woman would never find an answer.

"Something on your mind." Startled by the voice, Lacey's head turned finding Yupa not too far away. "Me too."

"About what?"

He chuckled. "Life. But my thoughts are not important."

"Everything is important."

Never Let You Go [Zabuza Momochi]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu