Chapter 1

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Chapter Inspiration: I Am The Best by 2NE1


Zabuza needed to relax. After completing an assassination mission, he felt exhausted, annoyed, and hungry. Their target had been nothing but a hassle to grab, though it should've been easy. He clearly underestimated him, taking more time than it should have to kill the target. Haku was tired, though wouldn't show it, however, the Ninja could hear his partner's stomach growling in hunger. Weighing the amount of their pay, Zabuza looked up and noticed a tavern up ahead.

"Hungry?" he asked.

The teen saw the sign. "That sounds nice," the boy answered.

The tables were lining every wall except for the back one, a bar off to the right of the room. Something important seemed to be going on by the instruments and lights that lined the back area. The assassins took a seat, a waiter coming to their table. "What can I get you?"

While the two ordered, Haku asked, "What's with the equipment?"

"We've got a performer coming tonight. A dancer from the Land of Waves. Should be quite a performance is what I've been told."

"This better not be some annoying music," Zabuza grumbled. The young man set his sword to the side.

"I agree, but we might as well stick around. We're not going anywhere at the moment."

The young man grunted as their drinks arrived.

They were halfway done with dinner when the lights went out, those in the front coming up slowly, and spotlighting the area. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen," a tall man spoke from the front. "It is my pleasure to introduce a performer well known in the Land of Waves for her exotic dancing. I now give you, Estella!"

He disappeared into the shadows, those holding the instruments starting to play. From a different set of shadows came a young woman, only nineteen years of age, hands crossed and held high overhead. Her body moved like a snake, performing multiple belly rolls in the process. Muscle clearly defined the dancer's body, flexing and un-flexing from every move.

Hips snapping to the beat, chest rising and falling on its own, Estella showed total control of opposite body movements, contorting into different positions. To the viewers it was as if she glided across the floor.

She crouched to the ground then on her knees, arms moving in a snake-like fashion. When the beat picked up, it was the knees this time that glided, the girl's stomach rolling in the process. When Estella stood once more, she did it with grace. A round of thunderous applause followed at the conclusion of the song.

"She's amazing," Haku spoke.

Zabuza scoffed, pouring himself another drink.

Song after song, Estella didn't disappoint the crowd. And it drew more patrons from the streets to watch. Soon the place became too crowded for Zabuza's liking and they left.

"What a load of crap that was," the young man grumbled. The partners began to look for a cheap place to stay the night.

"I thought it was interesting," Haku spoke. "I've never seen someone dance like that before."



They stuck around, the two assassins, looking for work and restocking supplies. Every night the dancer, Estella, performed at different restaurants and locations all around town. Zabuza grunted, moving somewhere else to eat that night so he didn't have to watch her display. Despite the fact he stole a glance in passing.

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