Chapter 35

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"Relax Kakashi," Zabuza spoke in a laid back manner. "Sit back and enjoy the show. Let's see how they last, one-on-one." The Leaf Jounin's eyes narrowed.

Naruto and Sasuke stared at Haku in one of the many mirrors, trying to figure out how to break through the rogue's defenses. All of their other attempts had failed to escape into an open area to find an advantage against their opponent.

Naruto clenched his teeth and stood from where Haku's attacks made him hit the ground. "I couldn't break through... so what? He's not going to stop me!" he declared.

"Huh?" Haku questioned. The fact that Genin refused to give in confused the teen. Whenever his part opponents couldn't find a way out, they just gave up. Accepted the fact they were going to die.

"I'm not giving up and I'm not going to lose here. Because I have a dream and no one is going to take it away from me! Someday I'll be respected in my Village, and that's my dream! To be the greatest Hokage!"

Those words hit a chord in the rouge. He remembered when he first met Zabuza as a child on the streets, abandoned, homeless, hungry, cold. "It was not my desire to become a Shinobi," he stated, catching the attention of the two Genins. "It's painful... I don't want to kill you, but if you advance, I will have no choice. Then I will kill the kindness inside my heart and fully embrace the Shinobi way. And there will be no mercy, no turning back. This bridge will be the battlefield where our dreams collide. Now I must fight for my dream. Just as you fight for yours."

Haku raised a hand, holding three needles, ready to attack.

"Please do not blame me. I fight for someone who is precious to me. I live for him, and I face death for him. So that his dream may become reality. That is my dream. And for the sake of that dream, if I must, I will act as a Shinobi and take your lives."

Sasuke and Naruto grinned in response. The fact that Haku still wished to fight them pleased the Leaf Ninjas greatly.

"Go Sasuke! Go Naruto!" Sakura cheered from where she stood beside Tazuna.

"Stop it, Sakura," Kakashi ordered. "Even if they did get through, they'd never be able to beat this ninja."

"How can you be so sure?"

Zabuza laughed darkly, grinning under the bandages.

"They have the desire to win, not the instinct to kill," the sensei answered. "That boy is a whole other breed. He lives for pain, he thrives on it."

"Exactly," Zabuza spoke up. "Your Village has become complacent. Your trainees never learned the most important lesson of all. To kill the feelings in their own hearts, to crush an opponent mercilessly, to destroy with no emotion or regret."

"But then... sensei!" Sakura exclaimed. "What are we going to do? Please tell us!"

Kakashi began thinking of possible ways to help his students, however, they all resulted in Tazuna or Sakura's death if he left them alone. "I have no choice," the Jounin muttered. He reached up to push away the headband and reveal his second eye.

"You're no fun, Kakashi, using the same old trick," Zabuza noted. The rogue reached into his back pocket and rushed forward holding a kunai. He aimed for the Leaf Ninja's left eye.

"Sensei, no!" Sakura exclaimed.

However, Kakashi's other hand snapped up to take the blow to the palm instead. "If it's just an old trick, why did you just try and stop me?" Kakashi glared at Zabuza.

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