Ashes To Ashes(cinder x male reader)

Start from the beginning

Me:"y-you need people, like me?"

Y/n:"yes, we need you on our side, please, join us, with you we can do things we could never even think of doing before. Like you said, you took out a huntsman and three others, and like it was nothing. We need people like that"

Me:"but, I, I don't even know what your cause is"

Y/n:"we want to take this world back under our  control, join us and we will give you a piece of that control. We, no, I will make sure that you get everything you've ever wanted"


Y/n:"yes, i'll be honest, you interest me, I can only hope we get to know each other better, I want to be your friend"

He smiled at the end of that, I don't know why, but seeing that smile, it calmed me, made me feel safe. I lowered my weapon when I saw him smile, he saw this and got closer to me, I didn't move. He was right in front of me when he stopped, now that he was so close I could see he was a lot taller than me.

Y/n:"so, what do ya say*holds his hand out for a handshake* partners?"

Me:"...*shakes his hand* ok, partners"

He smiled again and I swear I felt a blush on my face.

Me:*internal sigh*'this is going to be a lot more trouble than it's worth' 

Your pov

I had just recruited a new member, they seemed fun to mess with. Years after that I stuck by her side, I even let her play boss a few times, that luckily got us some new members. There were two who were younger than us, and one that was a lot older than us. I grew a liking to the two younger ones and treated them as my own, especially one of them named Emerald. She grew attached to both me and Cinder, but Cinder usually paid her no mind, unlike me who spoiled her. Right now I'm meeting up with the family I had made in a warehouse full of dust.

Cinder:*Cinder approaches Roman as I hide behind the exit*"Oh, Roman. Have a little faith.*She places her hand on his face.*You'll know what you need when you need to know it.*Roman seems entranced, but then looks away with a grunt.* Besides, we're done with Dust.*She begins to walk away.*

Roman:"O-okay, then what now?"

Cinder:"We're moving. Have the White Fang clear out this building. I'll send you details and coordinates tonight."


Cinder: "Looking back at Roman.*"We're proceeding to phase two."

Me:*coming out from the exit with my usual smile, Cinder freezes upon hearing my voice* "phase two already, man, you must be doing well for yourselves"

Emerald:"y/n!*goes over to me and hugs me, brakes the hug soon after* how are you, how was your last mission"

Me:"I'm good and the mission was a success, as always, how have things here been"

Emerald:"eh, you know, the usual"

Mercury:*walking up to me and gives me a bro hug*"hey old man, got anything for us this time"

Me:"you two are too old to be getting gifts from my missions*they stare at me*...but yes I did get you both something*takes out two items* for you emmy, a new scroll"

Emerald:"yes, my old one was so damaged this is just what I needed, I planned to steal one, but this saves me the trouble, thanks y/n"

Me:*I nod and hand the other one to Mercury* "and for you merc I got an upgrade for your legs, stolen straight from Atlas forge"

Mercury:"dope, I've always wanted something from Atlas"

Me:"who knows, maybe you kids will be able to go there one day"

RWBY one shots x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now