Chapter 3

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If you're still here, you're definitely wondering what happened. What wrecked Na Na for me?

Well on that day, I had just turned six, April 4th, 2024, my mum was driving. We were heading to Asda. Well actually we were heading towards my dad's workplace to pick him up then going to Asda.

Anyway, so on that day there was an "accident", well I say accident but there was nothing accidental about it.

You see at the back of the car there was one of those typical stickers saying Baby on Board, I used to moan about it all the time, "I'm not a baby anymore, that sticker is silly!"

But mum said that she liked it so we're keeping it. I bet she regrets it now.

As we were driving and Na Na was playing on the speakers, a woman was following us. A crazy woman, I would say Psycho but that'll just make the song stuck in your head and mine.

She was following us for ages according to the CCTV footage on the news and when she had an opening she took a shortcut to get ahead of us and crashed into the front of the car with just enough force to take out mum.

But not the speakers. No they were still in tact and connected to the Bluetooth, still playing the 40 second long melody.

RM's gentle voice still singing my lullaby as this crazy woman tore open my door desperate to hold a child in her arms after losing two of hers to the latest and last variant of Covid  one and a half years prior, and steals my screaming self away.

Amongst the screaming and streaming, I could hear the melody quickly fading away.

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