Hector looked up and spotted Adam and Nick, before he ran over. "Can you save his hand?" Adam asked, tears in his eyes. "Possibly" said Hector. "But, I'm going to need a lot of gauze, and hands. Jenny, help me out." Jenny ran over, and asked "What can I do?" "Okay" said Hector. "Adam, help me get him inside. Then, I need you to step outside, while Jenny and I work." "Okay" said Adam.

         Suddenly, the group heard more gunshots. "Where did those shots come from?" Terry asked. Vivian climbed the ladder to the catwalk, and aimed. The cars were driving off, heading in the direction of the opened land they previously stayed at. "They're heading towards that grassland" said Vivian. "The gunshots were coming from there." "Okay" said Jason. "Let's go out and go to the shots." "Why?" asked Todd. "What's the point?" "It could be Anthony and the others" said Jason. "We have to go." "Okay" said Terry. "Jason, patch yourself up. We go now." Jason nodded, as Adam and the others carried Nick inside, followed by Jason.

            Vivian climbed down the ladder, and Terry said "I need you to stay here." "Why?" asked Vivian. "I'm a good shot. I can help you out." "You will" said Terry. "If we come back with more men, or men come back, you can take them out. I'm only taking Jason, Todd, Ted, and Francis out. Vince will help you out with the guarding." Vivian looked at him, and Terry said "We'll be back, along with the others. All of us will be fine." Vivian looked at him, and smiled.

             Greg sat in the surgical room, as he looked down at William, who was unconscious. Suddenly, Adam opened the door, and Hector said "Clear another table." "You can use mine" said Greg. "I'm fine. What happened?" "The Hounds" said Adam, with tears in his eyes. "They...did this." Adam wiped his forehead, and blood went all over it from his hands. Greg looked at him, and said "I'm so sorry." "Greg" said Hector. "Take Adam out of here, and then rest." "Okay" said Greg, walking Adam out.

            The two sat down outside, as Greg asked "Where is everyone?" "Gwen was taking" said Adam. "Spike took her. Anthony, Sam, Hannah, and Carly went to find her. The others are preparing to go after the Hounds. I don't know what to do now, though." Greg looked at him, and said "You can't do anything, Adam. All you can do is just breathe, and wait." Adam looked at him, and nodded. Molly stood at the end of the hall, smiling at Greg.

            Terry packed ammo into a large bag, as Jason limped out of the plant. "Are you ready?" Ted asked, looking at him. "Yeah" said Jason. "Guys" said Terry, placing the bag into a car. "We better go, now." "Good luck" Vivian said, looking down at them. "Thanks" said Todd. "We'll probably need it."

         Terry shook his head, as he looked at Vivian and said "Radio me if you have problems." Vivian nodded, as Terry got in the passengers seat, and Todd got in the drivers seat. Terry loaded his pistol, as Vince pushed the gate over, and they drove out. Vivian sighed.

             1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10."I'm Anthony Freed." "I'm Gwen Foster." "I don't know where she is." "I'm sorry Gwen." "Anthony has a girlfriend." "Maybe I do." 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. "Thank you." "For what?" "For being a part of my life." 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60.


             A minute went by, as the silence continued. Anthony stared at Spike's group a yard away, as he saw Gwen's body lying on the ground, with blood all over the grass in front of her. Spike was smiling, as he looked at Anthony. "Well" he said. "She's not pretty anymore, is she?" Anthony's saddened face disappeared, and his face turned red hot with anger. He screamed, as he raised his gun and fired. Sam fired as well, and so did Carly and Hannah.

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