8 || Away from WICKED

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We follow Thomas to see where the body was laying before another door opens. As we get ready to walk towards it we're stopped by a voice.

"No." We turn to see Gally.

"Gally." I step forward but Teresa stops me.

"Don't. He's been stung." She places her hand on my shoulder.

"We can't leave." Gally cries.

"We did. Gally we're out. We're free." Thomas explains to him.

"Free? You think we're free out there? No, there's no escape from this place." He raises the gun, making us step back.

"Gally, listen to me, you aren't thinking straight." My eyes start to tear up. "You're not. Now, we can help you. Just put down the gun. Gally, please. Put don't the gun before you do something you will regret." I try to talk to him, trying to walk towards him.

"I belong to the maze." Gally continues to cry.

"Just put down the gun." Thomas talks to him, moving me back.

"We all do." Gally gets ready to shoot, making Thomas move in front of me, Chuck jumps in front of him, and Minho throws a spear hitting Gally in the chest.

Gally gasps for air slowly dropping to his knees then falls to the floor. My eyes then go to Chuck to see blood spreading on his shirt. "Chuck, no, no, no." I start to cry as he struggles to breath as Thomas talks to him.

As Thomas yells at Chuck, men show up and rush us out of the building. I start to struggle with one as I look over at Gally wanting to go to his side now. "No! Let me just say goodbye. Please." I cry kicking my legs and I swear I saw him take a breath making me scream, "No, Gally. He moved! Let me check please! Please!"

I'm dragged out like Thomas then made to run into the helicopter. "Don't worry. You're safe now." A man tells us and we all look at each other then out the window to see the maze and glade as we fly away. I stare into space wondering if Gally was still alive or was I just in shock imagining him making a slight movement.

"I'm sorry." Minho holds my hand.

"I'm not mad. You did what you had to do." I finally stopped crying.

"I'm sorry." Thomas moves next to me.

"Why?" I ask in a whisper.

"You cared for Gally and you also lost Chuck, he saw you as a big sister. He told me that." Thomas says, making me start to cry again.

"I'm sorry too." Thomas wraps an arm around rubbing my back.

"Thank you for trying to keep me safe." I whisper to him.

"It should've been me who got shot. I moved in front of it for you." He tears up. "Chuck was so close." He makes me run his back now.

I don't know how long our journey was to wherever we were going but we got there. Again they rush us off and towards the big building as they start to shoot at things in the night. Inside we look around confused about what's to come next. They take us to a room and we see a table full of food.

"Dibs on the rice." Fry says making us all rush over to the table just grabbing food shoving it in our mouths hungry.

"This is so good." I moan while chewing my food.

"This is way better than Frypan's slop." Winston says making us all laugh and Teresa throws some rice making us all join in.

"Not the rice!" Fry shouts while eating as we all laugh while having fun.

"I don't know who these guys are... they can cook." Fry says as we all sit around away from the table.

"Are we really though? Because who are they? I mean we don't know anything about these people." I say as I sit next to Thomas on some bags with Teresa and Newt in front of us.

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