4 || Last One Ever

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"Minho! We can't leave him." I hold onto him as he runs with me.

"What the hell did he mean how did you survive?" He asks still running.

"You wanna talk about this now?!" I shout at him.

"Sum it up." He slows down as we get a good distance away.

"When I was alone I got lost and spent a few full days in here. So I've survived multiple nights running and hiding for my life. I never told anyone until I told Thomas last night." I tell him so he slaps me.

"You told him and not me, Newt, Gally, or Alby?!"

I roll my eyes, "Can we fight about this tomorrow? Now we need to find Thomas." I move from him but he grabs me again.

"You can't run Elizabeth! And I'm not leaving you here alone."

I grab him by his shirt, "I've survived nights and I'm still in charge so you go find Thomas." He sighs. "That's an order, Minho."

He shakes his head huffing, "If you end up dead... I swear when I die in the future, I'll kill your spirit." He runs off from me.

I knew where to go as the maze changes and after some time I head Minho yell Thomas so I limp my way over to them. "Minho!" I rush over to him as he screams for Thomas to hurry. "Thomas!" I see the wall closing in on him and a Griever.

He makes it out accidentally taking me down with him as he falls to the floor. Luckily when he was taking us down he turned us so I fell onto of him instead of him falling on me.

"You killed one." I look at the one crushed between the walls.

"He did. Now let's go. The night isn't over yet." Minho helps me up then lets me get on his back.

Once it was day again, we go back to Alby and get him down to take him back to the Glade. As we get to the doors everyone was there. They help Minho and Thomas put Alby down carefully while Zart helps me stand up.

"You saw a Griever?" Chuck looks at us.

"He didn't just see it. He killed it." I say making everyone stare at him.

"Hey, hiding in and under vines worked well." Thomas looks up at me.

"Told you." I smile at him.

"Wait, what?" Newt looks at me confused by what was said.

"She's been keeping secrets." Minho makes everyone look at me.

"I've survived a few night in the maze when I was alone for a month. Now can some Med-jacks help my ankle and head?" I ask before passing out in Zarts arms.


"Okay, we need to get Elizabeth and Alby to the Med hut and laid down. Jeff, Clint... anyone help." Newt tells everyone so they help carrying the two.

After both were taken care of, a meeting about what's happening took place. "Things are changing. There's no denying that. First, Ben gets stung in broad daylight, and then Alby. And now our Greenie here has taken it upon himself to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here. For three years we have coexisted with these things, and now you've killed one of them. Who knows what that could mean for us?" Gally points at Thomas.

"What do you suggest we do?" Newt asks him since he was in charge with Liz and Alby out.

"He has to be punished." Gally says making everyone bring up Thomas literally killed a Griever.

"Minho. You were theee with him. What do you think?" Newt asks him.

"I think... in all the time we've been here, no one's ever killed a Griever before. When I turned tail and ran, taking Elizabeth with me even though she told me to stay and help Alby, this dumb shank stood behind to help Alby like she said. Look, I don't know if he's brave or stupid... Whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make him a runner." Minho says, making everyone get confused.

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