3 || No One Survives

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"Has anyone tried climbing to the top?" Thomas asks working.

"Tried it. The ivy doesn't go all the way to the top. And besides, where are you gonna go from there?" Newt tells him working.

"Yeah, well, what about the Box? You know, next time it comes up, you just jump..." Newt cuts Thomas off.

"No, we tried that. The Box won't go back down with someone in it." Newt explains.

"Okay, well, what if we..." Newt cuts him off again getting annoyed.

"No, we tried it, all right? Twice, all right? Trust me, anything that you think of, we've already tried. The only way out of here is through the maze. Now, look, you want to be helpful? Go, dig is up some more fertilizer." Newt tosses Thomas a bucket.

"Any trouble with Thomas?" Elizabeth walks up to Newt as he walks away.

"Keeps suggesting things and I told him we tried everything." Newt explains to her starting to work again.

"He didn't know but now he does." She says trying to get him to understand.

"He's gonna be a lot for you." Newt laughs.

"I can handle one curious cat." She laughs too but stops as they all hear Thomas yelling. "What is Ben doing?" She runs over to them and everyone starts to run too.

Newt hits Ben with his shovel knocking him off of Thomas. "Hold him down." Liz tell the guys so Gally, Newt, and Fry do so.

"He just attacked me." Thomas says out of breath.

She notices the vein is his face and that he looked very pale making her upset. "Lift his shirt." She tells them as Alby joins them. They lift his shirt and her thoughts were right, he was stung.

"He's been stung. In the middle of the day?" Gally looks at them as they bend down.

Ben cries asking for help making Elizabeth feel terrible as she stands up. "Put him in the pit. Come on, everybody help. Take him to the pit." She tells the group so a small group of the guys take Ben to the pit while she walks away with Alby.

"Elle, I know that look. Just breathe. It's not your fault." Alby tries to calm her down as she paces around.

"I know that but he got stung in the middle of the day. How am I supposed to react to that? That's not supposed to happen. It's never happened. The amount of times I've been in that maze alone all day..." She sits down putting her head in her hands. "I can't right now. You'll handle this better than me." She stands up leaving Alby.

When it was time to banish Ben into the maze Elizabeth wasn't there for it because she couldn't do it. It wasn't new to the guys when she had to sit certain things out because how it made her feel.

When it was night Gally was putting a line through Ben's name, Elizabeth sat with Chuck to keep him company.

"Do you think he might make it?" Thomas asks the two of them.

"Ben? No. No one survives a night in the maze. You just have to forget about him." Chuck tells him but Elizabeth stays quiet.

"Elizabeth?" Thomas sees the look on her face.

She gets up grabbing his hand to pull him away to where no one would hear her. "Elizabeth?" Thomas says her name confused.

"I don't know why... but I am telling you this. Which is stupid because no one here knows... Not Alby, Newt, Minho, Gally, no one but you. You have to keep this to yourself. Promise?" She takes him by the shoulders.

"I promise." He nods his head.

"I've survived a night in the maze before. More than once." She feels like she lifted weight off her shoulders. "I was way more curious than you are... I got lost in the maze and couldn't find my way back multiple times which resulted in me spending multiple nights in the maze. So let me say this... instead of saying no one survives a night in the maze... only certain people can survive a night in the maze. You gotta be fast on your feet and in your mind, gotta be creative too, to survive a night in the maze."

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