15 || Lucky You Found Us

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As Thomas gets ready to press the button a truck horn causes everyone to look at it drive through hitting a helicopter. It sends debris flying through the air so everyone falls to the ground to avoid getting hit. Everyone takes the time to start running, "Freeze!" A soldier points their guns at the groups. Thomas thinks quick tossing the bomb at them so they can run away.

"Thomas!" Elizabeth yells as Minho holds her hand running away.

"He'll be fine." He reminds her as they run, they let go of her hand to pick up a gun on the ground. "Get outta here! Go! Go!" Minho tells them all and of course Elizabeth tries to stay with him.

"Minho, let's go!" Thomas runs past him grabbing Elizabeth with him.

"Minho! Come on!" Elizabeth yells as they all get behind a crate.

Minho gets stunned, making the group panic. "Minho!" Elizabeth slips out of Thomas' grip running to help him.

"Elizabeth no!" They yell at her as she picks up a smaller gun, shooting only to get stunned too.

"Minho! Elizabeth!" Thomas runs to help them but Jorge stops him.

As Elizabeth is dragged away like Minho, all she hears through the gun shots is Thomas yelling for her and Minho. The group stands back watching the craft take off with everyone on it.

When the sun came up the next day everyone looked at the mess around them and the good supplies. "What do we do now?" Fry asks, looking out.

"Well, we pick up what's left of us. We stick to the plan. We get you kids to the safe haven. Then we start over, I guess." Vince stands up.

Thomas shakes his head standing up with his bag, "I'm not going with you." He tells Vince.

"What?" He asks, confused.

"I made a promise to Minho, I wouldn't leave him behind. I made a promise to Elizabeth, she'll be okay and I won't let anything happen to her. I have to go after them." Thomas tells him.

"Hey, kid, look around you. Alright? Wicked just kicked our ass. You think about where you're headed." Vince tells him.

"I'm not asking anyone to come with me. But I expected you would understand a little. Especially about Mary's daughter." Thomas tells everyone.

"Thomas, listen to me. I've known Minho and Elizabeth for... Well, as long as I can remember. So, if there was any way that we could help them... trust me, I would be up there standing next to you. I love Ellie to death but... This, what you're talking about... is impossible." Newt tries to get Thomas to understand.

"More like suicide." Jorge walks up to them.

"Maybe. But I know what I'm supposed to do now. It's not just about Minho and Elizabeth. It's about all of us. It's about everyone Wicked's and ever taken, everyone they will take. They'll never stop. They'll never stop, so I'm gonna stop them. I'm gonna kill Ava Paige." Thomas tells them his reason and they get it and agree.

"Well, that's a good speech, kid. So, what's your plan?" Vince asks so everyone looks at Thomas.


For months Wicked had us on the move and kept talking about a city that we were supposedly heading to. Wicked put me nowhere near Minho because Janson said so. Speaking of that asshole, he took any opportunity he got to hit me. He loved to bring up killing my mother and Thomas failing to get Minho and I. He knew exactly how to get me a raise out of me so I could get punished.

On the train I start to hear shooting outside making me wonder if they finally found us. "Aris, Sonya." I say making them look back at me.

"It's gotta be right?" She starts to smile before we get jerked coming to a stop.

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