2 || My Name Is...

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Once the sun was down and the bomb-fire was lit, everyone starts the celebration. Everyone in the Glade except the newbie and Elizabeth were having a good time. Elizabeth sat alone drinking while watching everyone have fun. Majority of the Glade knew that if she was sitting alone then you Do Not mess her.

Elizabeth was sitting alone because seeing the Greenie freak out about the maze brought back bad memories. Her memory flooded with the first night she got stuck in the maze after spending the whole day in it getting lost. That night terrified her since it was literally the first day she got here. She had no problem running through the maze during the day but getting stuck in there with the Grievers were a whole other story.


"Why are you all alone? You have to tell me the reason because I know it's not that time of the month." Newt sits down next to me.

"Shut up." I laugh giving him a look.

"Thinking about the maze? You get this certain look on your face. I've caught on to it for the past years." He places his hand on my knee squeezing it.

"You know me so well." I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Why do you keep to yourself? I feel like you should talk about it. Let it out. It might help you." He says, making me grown.

"I'm not in the mood." I pick my head up off his shoulder.

"You never are. Ellie, you know you can talk to me."

I sigh standing up, "Come on, let's go check on the Greenie." I put my hand out to him.

"How about we stay here and talk." He smiles then gets up as I stare at him knowing that's not gonna happen.

"Fine, let's go." We walk over to the Greenie.

"Can we join you?" I ask and he motions us to sit down. "Hell of a first day, Greenie." I look over at him from the other side of Newt and he nods his head.

"Here. Put some hair on your chest." Newt hands him his drink.

He puts some in his mouth before spitting it out making us laugh. "Oh my god. What even is that?" He coughs.

"I don't even know." Newt tells him truthfully.

"It's Gally's recipe. It's a trade secret." I look over at him in the ring.

"He still hasn't told you the secret?" Newt asks, making me laugh.

"He doesn't trust me that much."

"Yeah, well, he's still an asshole." Greenie tells us.

"90% of the time yes." I agree with him.

"He saved your life today. Trust me. The maze is a dangerous place." Newt tells him.

"We're trapped here aren't we?" He asks us.

"For the moment." I nod my head.

"See those guys... There, by the fire? Those are the runners." Newt points them out for him. "And that guy in the middle there, that's Minho. He's the Keeper of the runners." Newt starts to explain to the newbie while I get up going to get some bacon from Fry.

"Oh Fry!" I sing walking up to him.

"Yes ma'am?" He smiles.

"Bacon me, please." I put hand out motioning give me, give me, making them guys laugh.

"Anything for the Queen." I roll my eyes as he gives me some bacon.

"I hate that's a joke for y'all." I leave them going over to Minho and Ben. "Same old, same old?" I prop my arm up on Minho's shoulder watching Gally in the ring.

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