7 || Not Staying Here

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"What the hell were you thinking?" I say when Thomas wakes up.

"What happened?" He asks, confused in the pit.

"Gally's taken control. He said we had a choice. Either join him or get banished at sundown with you." Newt explains to him.

"And the others agreed to that? He overtook you?" Thomas looks at me.

"Gally has everyone convinced that you're the reason all this has happened. They believe him more than Elizabeth at the moment." Teresa tells him.

"Plus some are scared to stand up against him. I can see it in some of their eyes." I add and Thomas tells us Gally's been right so far.

Thomas explains everything to us about the people who put us here. Some of us got out in the mazes while some of them worked with the people who put us here. Him and Teresa watched us for years and helped put us here.

"It doesn't matter. Any of it. Cause the people we were before the maze, they don't even exist anymore. These Creators took care of that. What does matter is who we are now and what we do right now. You went into the maze, and you found a way out." I tell Thomas.

"Yeah, but if I hadn't Alby would still be alive, you still would be in charge, everyone would still be here." Thomas tells me.

"Maybe. But I know that if he were here, he would be telling you the exact same thing Elizabeth told you." Newt looks at him then at me.

"Pick your ass up and finish what you started. Cause if we do nothing then that means Alby dies for nothing, and I can't have that. Thomas, I have believed in you the moment Newt told you had the chops to be a runner and when I got to talk to you alone. Don't let me down. Don't let us down." I look him in the eyes.

"Okay. Okay, but we got to get through Gally first." He agrees.

"That's easy. You act like you're still weak till it's the right moment to move when he tells his guys what to do with you. Chuck gets what we need to take. The rest of us wait around with the rest until it's that moment. Don't worry, Fry is with us but he's keeping an eye on Gally." I explain to them.

"How do we know when it's the right moment?" Teresa asks me.

"We just will. Trust me." They all nod their heads.

"You're gonna try to talk to the sacred ones, to change minds?" Thomas smiles.

"Duh. I'm gonna do what's best for us because staying here isn't it." I say getting up and we get ready for our plan.

When it was time Winston and Jeff said it doesn't feel right banishing Thomas and maybe he could lead us home but Gally says we're home.

"You really think banishing us are going to solve anything?" Teresa speaks up.

"No. But this isn't a banishing. It's an offering." He says as Teresa gets tied up.

"Gally, what are you doing?" She asks him, worried.

"You really think I'm gonna let Thomas back into the maze after what he's done? Look around you! Look at our Glade. This is the only way." As Gally rants I run my hand through my hair signaling to Newt to signal to Minho.

"Are you serious? The other three doors haven't even closed yet! If we all stay here, the Grievers are going to come back. They're gonna come back, and keep coming back until we're all dead. Offering Thomas and Teresa aren't going to do anything for us. Just admit it Gally, you're scared of what's out there. I am, we all are, but there's nothing wrong with being scared because it's normal. But I don't wanna waste anymore time here. We finally have a chance to get out of here and what? We don't wanna take the chance because we don't know what's out there? Okay, say this offering does nothing, then what Gally? What's your plan? Hide in the Box till we run out of the little supplies we have left? I'd rather take the risk of dying out there making my way to freedom then being a coward spending the rest of my life in here and dying in here." I walk up to him some.

"We don't know until it happens. Tie him up!" Gally yells but the guys don't. "Did you hear me? I said tie him up!" He yells again and as they pick Thomas up he makes his move.

I cut Teresa free as Fry joins us, Thomas, Chuck, and Newt at the front before Minho does too. "You're full of surprises, aren't you?" Gally asks Thomas.

"You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving. Anyone else who wants to come, now's your last chance." Thomas tells the group.

"Don't listen to him. He's just trying to scare you." Gally tells them.

"No, I'm not trying to scare you. You're already scared. Like Elizabeth said, all right. I'm scared and I'd rather risk my life out there then spending the rest of it in here too." Thomas tells everyone.

"We don't belong here. I know we've always said this place is our home... but this place isn't our home. We were put here. We were trapped here till Thomas found a way out." I try to get them to believe.

"At least out there we have a choice. We can make it out of here. I know that... I believe in that and Elizabeth believes in me. She believes it's what's best for all of us." Thomas says making Winston join his first then Jeff.

Slowly a few others join us too. "Gally, it's over. Just come with us." I can't help but tear up.

"Good luck against the Grievers." Was all he says to me as the group starts to leave as I stand there and look at him.

"Come on, Lizzie." Thomas takes my hand as I blink a tear out and jog off with a limp still.

"You okay? To keep up?" Thomas asks me. "I'm fine." I smile as Minho comes up to us, giving Thomas a look so he picks me up and puts me on Minho's back.

"I hate this". I groan holding onto him.

"Well you're still hurt." Minho tells me.

"I jog with a limp like Newt." I point at him with us.

"You're slower than me with your limp." I flip Newt off.

When we get to section seven Minho puts me down as we sit for the next move. Thomas explains the plan and we get ready. "Teresa, keep Elizabeth with you and Chuck." Thomas tells her before we run.

"I got you, Liz." Teresa helps me run.

We get to the door while the guys hold the Grievers off but Chuck and Teresa run after the key before it rolls off. When they get back to the door it opens and we run down to the other door that needed a number sequence.

"What's the sequence of the maze!" I yelled at Minho and Thomas, seeing there were eight numbers.

"Seven, one, five, two, six, four..." I hear everyone yell Minho and see a Griever on top of him.

"MINHO!" I try to rush but Teresa holds me back. "Continue please!" I yell when he's fine and the group is coming closer.

"Eight, three! You got it?"

I put the numbers in and it turns green. "The door opened!" I shout.

Suddenly the other door closes and it's pitch black tile the other door opens. We all get out and see a long tunnel both ways lighting. We walk all the way till we get to a door that says exit.

"Seriously?" Fry says looking at it.

Thomas goes to open the door and we see a room with people shot and glass broken. "What happened here?" Winston asks as we keep walking.

"So they were watching us. This whole time." Newt says as we look at monitors of the glade. Thomas suddenly makes a video play of a woman named Ava Paige.

In the video recording she explains that the planet has been devastated by a massive solar flare, followed by a pandemic of a deadly, incurable virus called the Flare that affects the brain of the afflicted. We learn that us Gladers appear to be immune to the virus. We learn that we were part of an experiment studying the way our brains worked as a resistance to the virus. At the end, the woman in the video shoots herself as the lab is being attacked by men with military-style weapons but dressed more like mercenaries.

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