Chapter 9

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"So Hunter, what's that you wanted to talk about?" Kev asked, taking a seat in front of the COO whom is referred as Hunter without even being invited to sit. So they're close, I guess, Ayla thought to herself.

"You should know better, Kev. What the hell do you guys think y'all are doing? You literally went up to a bar and beat up the public. We're you guys drunk?" Hunter yelled, making Ayla and Hayley's shoulder jump a little. The silence that occurred in the room made both of them feel even more guilty for involving them in their personal issue. If only they knew earlier it would cost them their jobs.

"Hunter please, just relax okay? You've known us for almost 20 years. You know we wouldn't get into trouble without a reason" Kev tried to reason.

"Yeah I've known you for 20 years, Kev and that's why I'm so disappointed in all of you. All of you are top superstars although Rikishi and Kev isn't really in their prime anymore. But still, you guys are all one of the highest paid wrestlers in the WWE. I cannot tolerate such cheap acts by beating up the public. You guys are lucky enough that Vince told me to handle this case, or else you guys know what are the consequences if he handled this." Hunter yelled at the wrestlers in front of him.

Ayla felt Taker releasing his grip on her wrist before stepping in front of Hunter. The two had an intense stare-down, telling each other that they are gonna whoop each others ass if the other doesn't listen through their eyes. Hunter who was only chin level of Taker made Hunter to elevate his head slightly to meet The Deadman's eyes.

"Hold your puppies, Hunter. One more sound from you and I'll whoop your ass" Taker said what was on his mind in a slow yet strict tone, not even a slightest hint of fear of losing his job when he spoke to the COO of the company. Wait, did he just say puppies? It is quite a weird and awkward situation to be in for Ayla making her more curious of these people in front of her and also about the company. She wanted to know more about them. The chilling message of Taker sent shivers down Hunter's spine as he gulped and took a step back. Taker nodded and step back to the girls. 

"Alright, but I want you guys to explain yourselves" Hunter said, still not backing down although his tone wasn't as with authority as it was before, a more relaxed tone. 

"Well, let me introduce you these two beautiful girls here" Kev turned behind without getting up from the chair he was seated and extended his hand to the back. Ayla held Kevin's hand and slowly walked pass Taker while gripping Hayley on the other hand. She was a little scared to look at Hunter.

"This kid over here is Hayley" He pointed towards Hayley. Hayley gulped and nodded at Hunter without looking up to him. "And this kid with the bandage here is Ayla" He patted his other hand on Ayla's hand which he was holding in his other. Seriously, Kev? What a way to introduce me!, Ayla thought to herself.

Hunter looked at Ayla who was brave enough to make eye contact with him and nodded in introduction. He extended his hand and Ayla shook it. 

"Hunter Hearst Helmsley, COO of the World Wrestling Entertainment" Hunter introduced himself. Oh so that was what Triple H and WWE stands for, she thought to herself.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Helmsley. I'm Ayla" She said simply as Hunter nodded and pulled his hand away and sat on his chair.

"Alright, I'm all ears Kevin. Tell me what you guys want to say" Hunter crossed his fingers and placed his arms on the table.

"So we were at the bar in Houston last night. We didn't take more than just a beer each. Then Hayley over here came running into the bar and asked for our help as little Ayla over here was being harassed by those men. We tried reasoning and they didn't want to listen and continued to attack the poor kid. Those men were drunk and this horsy here-" Kev pointed at Ayla, "-had already took up half their energy already so we didn't really need to bash them hard. Just a few punches and they were out. And plus, they hit the kid until she passed out" Kev pointed to her bandage on her head. Horsy? She was actually starting to like that name....

Hunter nodded.

"So you boys helped the girl from being harassed am I correct?" Hunter asked and they all nodded.

"And the kid had beaten them out already so you guys just helped her a little?" Hunter asked again, Taker already annoyed but nodded with the others.

"And you guys actually want me to believe this kid took on 9 men all by herself before you guys?" Hunter snorted.

Ayla's eyes widen. Does this bandage look like a lie to you Mr. Whatever the hell he was? she thought to herself. Obviously they were telling the truth.

"It's the truth, Hunter. This kid can really wrestle" Kane who was quiet the whole time voiced out.

"We saw it with our own eyes" Taker said and the rest nodded.

Hunter had a smug on his face. "Well nice joke there Kev." Hunter said as he got up from his seat. "Like I said, I've know you for 20 years, Kev, and I know until how low you'd stoop down to get yourself out of trouble. You can't wag your tail at me this time." Hunter roasts Kev and shifts his attention to Ayla, looking directly at the 5'2 feet girl standing in front of him.

"No doubt, you're a good actress, kid. You deserve an Oscar for that bandage and innocent look. Honestly, I almost fell for it. Too bad that I know these guys more than you do" He smirked as he patted Ayla's injured shoulder, making her shriek a little. 

"Ow" She gasped, holding her shoulders. Taker who panicked a little came to her and slowly caressed her stinging shoulders.

"Are you okay, kid?" Taker asked and Ayla shook her head side to side, telling that she wasn't okay. It really did hurt. She wasn't completely healed yet and Hunter's powerful slap on the shoulder made it worse. Taker pushed slightly her shirt to reveal her shoulder and saw the black mark was popping out again on he bare shoulder. He looked up at Hunter with a furious rage in his eyes. He walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar, pushing him up to the wall. Hunter's eyes widen in shock and gulped at the sight. Taker was really mad.

"You lay your hands on that kid one more time and I'll make sure you'll not have them anymore" Taker said through gritted teeth.

"Woah, woah, relax, Taker. I didn't mean to hurt her" Hunter was still in shock. His hands were holding on to Taker's hands, preventing it from moving any further up.

Kane came up to Taker to stop his brother from reacting anymore further. He held Taker's arm and said, "Let him go, Taker"

Taker shot Hunter a death glare before letting his collar go. He stepped back to Ayla and held her by the arm.

Hunter adjusted his collar and walked towards Ayla, to which Taker stood in front of her as a shield to protect her from Hunter's dirty games.

Hunter cleared his throat. "Hey, I'm sorry Ayla, kid, I swear I didn't know you were really hurt" Hunter apologized.

"You better be, Hunter" Kev pointed out and Hunter just glared at him.

Ayla pushed Taker's arm a little to the side so she could see Hunter. "Apology accepted, Mr. Helmsley" She smiled through the pain.

Hunter nodded and walked to his table and pressed the intercom and a young guy came walking in.

"Hey Stan, help bring Miss Ayla and her friend to the doctor back in the arena and tell the doctor that they are my guests. Ask them to treat her good, you understand me?" Hunter ordered and the guy named Stan nodded. He motioned for Ayla and Hayley to follow him. Kane offered to go along with them and the three exited the room.

"Now sit down, gentlemen, we aren't done with our discussion yet" Ayla heard Hunter's voice as she closed the door behind her.


Chapter 9 is up! Tadaaaa! So I have officially introduced Hunter, a really important character in this book. Whatcha think about Hunter in this chapter? I know he's been a little asshole in this chapter, (okay maybe a big asshole, but still)  but I swear you'll love him in the other chapters. Stay tuned for more. Do you think Hunter will bend the rules and forgive the guys?

Do drop your comments and votes :)

Signing out


(Word count: 1482)


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