Chapter 18

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Netherlands - 1673

I was on a ship, the boat swaying back and forth. I growled as I thought of everything that has happened over the past year. The French Kingdom had decided to invade my lands, and got help from Britain and England in addition. Those two have hated each other for so long and all of the sudden they go and work together just to get at me! Well, I'll show Britain not to side with the French, and I'll start by taking what's mine. A sinister smile slid onto my face.

I heard someone come into my cabin. I turned and found a young boy in a military uniform coming in.
"Netherlands, sir, we've arrived," The boy stated quietly.
I nodded, "Tell the men to prepare, we shall begin shortly,"
He nodded and left to go give my orders.
'I wonder how New Amsterdam is doing?' I thought to myself, 'I guess I'll see once I take him back,'
I smiled, then left the room. I walked up the deck and looked out towards the New World. New Amsterdam or New York I would get him back one way or another. I wonder if he missed me?

I looked around at my ship filled with six hundred soldiers and smiled. It was time to take Manhattan.

_                                                                                    _

New York -

I was over at a tavern with a few of my siblings. In other words I was there with some of the New England colonies. They were going to their own colonies to check on things but decided to take a quick stop over here. New Hampshire and Massachusetts were talking about the disputes that had been happening over the administration that was given to Mass over Hamp. Rhode Island and Connecticut were silently chatting over in a corner, and I was just sitting there unsure of what to do. I was mainly waiting for Dad, he was supposed to get here soon.

I looked towards the door and stared at it. I suddenly started feeling a bit nervous, like something was about to happen.
I sighed.
"Heh, still staring at the door?" Mass asked.
"Mass, have you ever felt like something bad is going to happen?" I asked.
"York, it's my job to feel like something bad is going to happen," He said blankly, "Why?"
I looked to the ground, "I- it's nothing. I'm sure it's nothing..."
"If you say so," Mass said before turning around to talk with Hamp again.

'I'm just being paranoid, that's all it is...' I told myself.
I was about to join their conversation when someone tapped me on the shoulder.
"E-excuse me, b-but are you New Amsterdam?" The figure asked.
I turned and found a woman with long brown hair and blue eyes standing behind me.
The name she had called me by had caught everyone's attention.

"My name was New Amsterdam, but I go by New York now. What is it that you need?" I asked.
"It's... well... you'd have to see it, it's down along the coast of Manhattan," She said.
She looked at the ground, "The Dutch are invading Manhattan,"
I was furious.

Long ago, maybe I would've been glad to see him again, to know that he was coming back for me but now. I didn't want to go back to him, not after he just up and left with no word or warning. Besides every time I've ever needed someone it wasn't him who helped me, it was Colonial America. I was done with him, but then there wasn't much that could be done. There wasn't much for defense against an army like his, and most of my people still weren't quite ready to fight them.

"Hoe ver zijn ze gekomen?" I questioned.
"Bijna helemaal door Manhattan, het is slechts een kwestie van tijd voordat ze hier zijn." She responded.
"Dat is niet goed," I stated then turned to my siblings, "You should all head back to the house or your colonies,"
"Why?" Hamp asked curiously.
I shot him a 'you know what' look.
I saw Mass get up and say, "Hamp you go bring Connecticut and Rhode to their colonies, I'll go tell dad about what's going on down here,"
The three nodded and Mass took off to go find dad.

"Um... York?" Connecticut called over to me.
I hummed in response.
"Your flag... it's... changing,"
"Huh, what do you mean?"
"It's turning back into your flag from when you were New Amsterdam," Hamp answered with an astonished look on his face.
"How do I get it off..." I said to myself.
"That's not how it works,"
"Don't you all have somewhere to be?"
"Oh, yeah! Bye Yorkie!"
I waved as I watched my sibling leave off to their colonies, as soon as they were out of sight, a very familiar person slammed the door to the tavern open...

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