Chapter 6

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New Amsterdam - 1651

I was sitting in my bed staring off out of my bedroom window. I was awaiting for the Netherlands to return. He had been off at his country from the entirety of the year. I had been all alone, which only made me even more excited for whenever America came. He came every few months. He would help me with all kinds of things and tell me tons of stories. He certainly had plenty to tell. I smiled, I might not believe that he is my father, but he certainly treated me like I was his child.

My head shot up once I heard someone knocking on the door. I got up from my bed and walked over to the front door. I found Netherlands standing at the door.
I smiled, "Hello, vader!"
"Hello New Amsterdam. How have you been?" He replied.
"Fine. Wish you were here more though..."
"I know, but I can't just leave my country to itself."
I nodded, as much as I'd like him to stay I understand that he can't always hang around with me.

I watched as he disappeared into his dark bed room with his suitcase. Of course it wasn't dark for too long, he had soon lit a candle once he was inside. I let out a long sigh and closed my eyes. I don't imagine that I'll be getting any time with him today, so I decide to go out hunting and explore a bit. So I go into my room and dig through my closet to find my musket and cartridge bag. I then go and leave out the front door and saddle up on my horse. Then slowly begin my trek through the forest. After awhile of riding, I get off and tie the horse in a nearby clearing. I'm not even ten feet away from the horse when I spot something, or should I say someone.

It was a boy. With short, wavy hair and yellow eyes. The boy wore a white shirt with a cravat and orange overcoat, he wore black breeches with white stockings. His face bore the flag of the English colonies.
He must've noticed that he'd been caught because after he saw me looking at him, he started walking towards me.

"Uh... hi?" He started.
"Hi." I replied.
After awhile of silence the boy speaks again, "So, uh... what are you doing out in the forest?"
I shrug, "Just walking around..."
"Hey... what's you're name?"
"New Amsterdam, yours?"
"New Hampshire."

Then we heard more rustling in the bushes and both shot our heads toward the sound.
"I thought dad told you to make sure everyone stayed close!" One voice yelled.
"It's not my fault!" Another voice protested.
Soon three people emerged from out of the bushes. I recognized two of them, Virginia and Massachusetts.
I had met Massachusetts a few months ago, when America had come to visit. The other one I didn't know.

"Virginia?" I asked.
"New Amsterdam? What're you doing out here? Have you finally got some sense and come to dad?" Virginia asked.
I rolled my eyes at Virginia's assumption and replied, "You know that my dad is Netherlands, not Colonial America."
"Or so you think..."
"What do you mean by that?" New Hampshire asked.
"Don't worry about it."

"Why are you so against Colonial America being your dad?" Massachusetts asked as he started walking up to me.
"Because he's not." I said bluntly, I was starting to get annoyed by this conversation. What's it been? The 100th time?
"But he is." Virginia insisted, "When will you get that?"
"When will you guys let it go?"
Massachusetts and Virginia looked at each other.
Virginia finally sighed in defeat and said, "Fine. Come on Hamp let's get going back."
New Hampshire nodded and the four then started to leave. I watched as they slowly disappeared into the forest. I sighed and then realized something.

There was cartridge on the ground...

I mentally kicked myself as I realized that my bag had a hole in it and now I only had a few bullets left. I groan as I realize I'm going to have to go all the way back to the settlement. I get onto my horse and start riding off.

After awhile of riding I reach the settlements entrance and notice something. Netherlands was standing right next to it waving at me.
"Vader?" I said, surprised to see him.
"New Amsterdam!" He called back.
I got off my horse and walked over to him, "What are you doing out here?"
"I noticed the hole in your bag and was about to go get you..." He said.
I smiled. He always had my back but...
"You'll always be there for me, right?" I said. I hadn't meant to say that but it was already to late to take it back by the time I noticed.
Netherlands replied with a simple:

"Of course!"

_                                                                                           _

See New Hampshire's POV in The History Series: Book 3 Chapter 9...

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