Chapter 4

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New Amsterdam - A few years later

I woke up to find Netherlands shaking me gently awake. I slowly opened my eyes, and gave him a questioning glance.
"You've got a friend." He said softly, his eye contained a hint of worry though.
I got up, I started wondering if it could of been Mathew. He was a new boy that I had met. He was nice and hung out me fairly often, but if it was him then why did vader look so concerned about this friend.

I slowly dragged myself out of bed and stretched before grabbing a coat to go greet whoever was at the door. I opened the door and immediately realized why he had seemed so worried. It was Colonial America. I had kept my vader from knowing he was my friend because I knew that he might start getting worried. He really did get worried over nothing most of the time. I remember a few days ago he started freaking out over me going hunting with Mathew and started listing everything that could've gone wrong with the trip.

I looked at America and he smiled at me, I smiled back.
I looked back at my vader who was clearly worried.
"So, you ready?" He asked cheerfully.
I smiled, remembering that he was going to help me learn how to use a musket, sense I had asked him to last time he visited.
America then looked up and his eyes met Netherlands's, "Netherlands?"
Vader's face then twisted from one of concern to one of shock, "Colonial America? Wow, you certainly have grown quite a bit, now haven't you?!"
America nodded.

"Wait! How do you two know each other?" I asked. I've never seen them together or anything.
"Netherlands here has known me sense I was born. He came to visit me every now and then back when I was still living in London." America said.
"Yes, and nearly ever time I came your vader was busy fighting French Kingdom." Vader replied.
"Yeah, but that's nothing new!"
At that comment they both started to laugh a bit.

I then started to walk over to my room and changed into some proper clothes and grabbed my musket. I checked to see if I missed anything. I noticed that I nearly forgot my cartridge bag... again. That would've been a mess. I then ran over and grabbed the bag and put it on. I did recount of everything and after I was sure that I had everything I walked out my door to leave. Before I left I waved goodbye to Netherlands. Then went and got onto my horse. I watched as America walked out waving goodbye to. Netherlands as well. He then got onto his own horse and we started our way off to the forest.

We went only a little ways away from the settlement, not too far but not too close either. I jumped off the horse and tied it reins to a tree. I got out my musket, it still had the bayonet on it. I looked at America who was also preparing his gun.
He noticed me staring and said, "So you've ever been hunting before?"
"Well, I've tried once, but you know how that ended." I responded.
He chuckled a bit, then we heard some rustling in the bushes. I jumped onto my feet and got ready in case it was an animal getting ready to attack. That is until America came over and put him hand on my shoulder and gave me a look that said 'don't worry it's nothing that'll hurt you'.

I lowered my gun a bit and found Virginia walking through the bush. I sighed in relief as I watched him walk over and wave at me. I waved back as lessons started.

The History Series: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now