Chapter 11

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New Amsterdam -

I was still sitting outside. Tears still streamed down my face as I sat there. It would've been a depressing sight for someone to behold, but there was no one too behind it. I was completely and utterly alone... I curled up into a ball as I leant against the house. I took in a deep breath as tried to calm myself. unfortunately it hadn't worked though sense my insistent sniffling continued. I tried to blink back my tears but it only made more fall.

That's when I started to feel something drip on me. It started with one drip then soon came more, soon it was pouring down rain on top of me. As if today wasn't bad enough. I just sat there and just tried to think up excuses as to why my father would do this. I just couldn't believe that he would have us just sit here and d0 nothing! As I sit there I hear foot steps sloshing against, I didn't bother looking up though. As they grew closer they began to separate into two different sets of feet. I still didn't care enough to look up. I just wanted to sit there and just let my emotions pour out, I didn't want to deal with whatever criticism they might throw at me. So I just stayed there in that position, at least that is until I felt someone gently grab me...

_ _

Colonial America -

I didn't care if I was being too abrupt when I pulled him into a hug. I didn't honestly care. I couldn't stand to see any of my children like this, even if he didn't realize that he was my kid. If Netherlands had done anything cause this-
"A-America?" The boy in my arms stammered as he began to register what was happening.
I just stayed there, and began to rub circles on his back.
"Shhh," I said softly, "It's okay... now tell me what happened?"
New Amsterdam frown deepened as he rested his head on my chest. I felt the area his head rested start to become wet from his warm tears.

"I-its just that," New Amsterdam started, then stopped mid sentence as if trying to figure out how to say what he was wanting to.
I just sat there in silence and continued to rub circles on his back. I looked back at Virginia, who was looking at New Amsterdam with pitying eyes. He walked over a knelt next to me and New Amsterdam. New Amsterdam just shook in my arms as I began to gently and slowly rock him. His breathing soon steadied and he was soon calm once again.
"Now tell me, what happened." I said as gently as possible.
He took a deep breath and began, "I... I'm just scared and worried for what is to come for my colony and colonists... Four ships filled with British shoulders arrive a little while ago and vader insists that we do nothing..."
I nodded. I could empathize with what he just stated. I would be scared for my colonies if some foreign troops just suddenly appeared on the coast and I wasn't allowed to help my people who could possibly get hurt by said troops.
I pulled him closer into my embrace, as we stood there for a few minutes in the cold rain I felt him slowly begin to hug back.  I looked over at Virginia who now wore a soft smile on his face.

I looked up at the door to the house and glared at it.
"Dose he even know you're out here?" I asked softly, trying to contain my rage.
I mean who just leaves a crying child out in the rain by himself?!
He shook his head, "I don't know if he even cares anymore..."
I tightened my hold on the child. If I had known that was what he thought about being here with Netherlands I would have come here far before now...
I looked at Virginia who had gotten up and was now staring harshly towards the door. He may have wanted his brother to accept his true family, but he never wanted it to happen like this.

I was about to get up and knock on the door when it suddenly opened to a gloomy looking boy, though his eyes concealed some form of relief.
He sighed and looked at New Amsterdam, "The Netherlands is giving up the colony of New Amsterdam, there will be no blood drawn and not fighting for the colony now."
I looked at New Amsterdam. He looked both relived and saddened. Virginia and I turned to him and pulled him into a hug. If Netherlands didn't want him, we certainly did....

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