Chapter 17

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The French Kingdom - Two days later

It has finally come. The day that I and my army match on Holland. I smiled menacingly at the piece of land from my ship. Now, I never would have imagined that this would be accomplished with the help of my competitors, Great Britain and England, but I will have most hope of success with their help. Then again we had signed a treaty two years ago, the Treaty of Dover.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by a knock at my door.
"Come in," I called out as I turned to face the door.
A girl came in. She was wearing a French army uniform, and her hair was up in a messy bun.
"Bonjour père," She said in a light and delicate voice.
"Ah, bonjour to you as well ma chérie," I responded, "What is it that you need?"
"Well, the British Empire wishes to go over the plans with you one last time, on the account to ensure that no change has come to it,"
"Ah, Britain, he worries himself far too much," I sighed, "Tell him I'm on my way,"
She nodded and was about to leave before I spoke to her.
"Oh, and France?" I said.
"Give him this map, he'll need it," I told her as I handed it to her.
She nodded then ran off.
I smiled and looked off one last time at the patch of land that was Holland. Then turned and walked off below deck, I was greeted with two focused looking brits, one of which was pacing around the room.

"You must calm yourself Great Britain, it's not like this is a matter of life or death," I stated.
He glared at me, "No, it is. This could determine the life or death of my soldiers, this could lead to many casualties and a new war with the Dutch,"
"Nothing new, you didn't seem so conflicted before,"
"That was because, well you know how it is, any opportunity to take down a rival is a good opportunity,"
"Well I don't see any reason to back down now, do you?"
The Brit sighed in defeat and crossed his arm, looking me in the eye, "Let's get this over with,"

We then went over the plan, it was simple really. We invaded along the coast, while a separate group invaded along the boarders. Everything was set, it was two against one. Not quite a fair fight, I know, but all's fair in love and war! Especially war! I snickered slightly, receiving a few questioning glares from both Britain and England. I shook them off and left the room.

_ _

Colonial America -

I was in my room, sitting by my desk. I was writing in my journal about all that's happened in the colonies over the last few months. I was almost done with the entry when I heard a knock at my door.
"Come in," I said.
I found Virginia coming through the door with a letter in hand.

"Hello Virginia," I said in a light and cheerful voice, "what can I do for you?"
"You got a letter from British Empire," He told me as he handed the letter to me.
I nodded in thanks and took the letter. I skimmed through it then read it fully.
He wrote to me about there being a war started up, and how he's siding with the French as they invade Netherlands.
'Of course you went and brought yourself into another fight,' I thought to myself, 'Whatever happens, I just hope it doesn't get my colonies involved,'
I furrowed my eyebrows as I thought of all the outcomes to this.

"You okay?" Virginia asked from behind me.
"Yeah, but Britain has gone to war and I fear he will bring it here," I told him.
"Who is it with this time?"
Virginia laughed halfheartedly, "Well won't New York be thrilled,"
I chuckled a bit, but soon stopped after a few seconds of thinking, "Hey Virginia, why don't you go help with the cooking in the kitchen,"
He nodded and left.

'What if Netherlands comes back here?' I thought to myself once Virginia left the room. I didn't know what will happen next, but I can't just sit around fearing the future. I get up and head down the stairs.

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