Chapter 2

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New Amsterdam - A few weeks later

I was asleep in my room when I heard the door slam open. I jolted awake from the sudden sound. I shot out of my bed to find the source of the sound, and it turns out it was just Netherlands forgetting that I'm still inside the house. I roll my eyes. There's no point in even trying to go back to bed, I was now fully awake.

"Hey vader," I said as I walked over towards the kitchen area of the house to grab something to eat.
"Hallo Nieuw Amsterdam, hoe gaat het met je?" He greeted back.
"I'm fine, you?" I replied.
"Het gaat goed met me," He said as he sat down at the table, "so,"
I looked over at him, he usually only switched to English so suddenly like that when he was about to start talking about something serious.
"I will be leaving for quite a while to go back to my country." He continued.
"What?!" I exclaimed, "But isn't your country like across the ocean?!"
He nodded.
I grimaced. Why did he have to go? I just got here a few weeks ago! I sighed in defeat once I saw the suitcase by the door. It was already too late to talk him out of this.
"Don't worry New Amsterdam, I will come back." He said.

He then got up and grabbed his suitcase. He walked over to the door, but before he left he turned back to me and waved and then he just left. My frown deepened as he walked out the door.
"Stay safe..." I mumbled.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then sat down on a chair next to the table.

The next day...

I was out in the settlement, walking around. I looked around at the many buildings, taking in the sight of the beautiful town area. I soon reached the settlements entrance. I see some people leaving the settlement to go out hunting. I have a silent debate with myself on weather I should go out and hunt as well seeing how I have nothing left to do. After awhile I finally decide to go and grab a musket to go out.

I run back over to the house and grab my musket from my room. I quickly leave the house not realizing I had left something very important. I walked out and run out of the settlement. This was my first time, and to be quite honest I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to be going out with out Netherlands watching me. I shook the thought aside and headed out. I walked for a few minutes getting me a few miles away from the settlement when I froze, realizing something.

I forgot my cartridge bag. I silently cursed under my breath at this realization. My eyes widen as I hear the sound of a growling animal. I caught a tall black figure out of the corner of my eye. I cursed again finding it to be a black bear. I slowly backed away from the giant beast, then turned and bolted back off towards the settlement.

I was nearly along the path towards the settlement when something caught onto my ankle and brought me to the ground. I yelped as I hit the ground hard. I quickly turned around. I looked at the had that held the musket, it had a bayonet attached to it. I looked over, it wasn't in my hand. I looked around and found it a few feet to the side of me. I began to sweat as my heartbeat accelerated. The bear began to lunge at me and I squeezed my eyes shut.

I waited there for a few seconds, when I decided to open my eye and peek around. As I opened them I noticed that there was a strange man standing in front of me keeping distance between me and the bear. The man had a musket in his hand and looked ready to fight.....

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