Chapter 14

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New York - 1665

It had been about a year sense Netherlands had abandoned me and I learned the hard way who my real father was. And with my new father came a new name. My name New Amsterdam soon became New York. Why? Who knows, I heard it had something to do with the one my colony was given to. His name wasn't too hard to remember considering my new name was New York and the guys name was the Duke of York. I liked the name nonetheless.

Anyways I was walking though the woods yet again. This time, however, I had more of a reason to. I had received a letter from my father, Colonial America, to head down to a specific location down in between Maryland and Virginia. I was just a little ways off from my destination. Why I was heading there, the letter didn't say. To be honest I didn't really care too much either way, it was getting a bit boring up in my colony. Well aside from the occasional problems that pop up every now and then, you know. Plus I was interest as to who my new siblings were, I had heard a few more popped up. I walked through the bushes and immediately spotted New Hampshire. I had learned his name while talking to Virginia on one of his visits. It turns out that New Hampshire was the boy who had spotted me in the forest awhile ago as well.

New Hampshire and the others that were there around him looked over at me in pure shock.
"New Amsterdam? Is that you?" New Hampshire asked.
"Uh yeah, or at least it was me. I go by New York now."
Massachusetts looked at me with a smug smile on his face and asked, "Why the sudden change of name?"
"I don't know... it just didn't seem to fit right..."
They all smiled at my response.
We talked for awhile, that is until Virginia popped out and scared me half to death.
"Hey guys!" He said with the cheerful smile I knew him for.
"Hey V," New Hampshire started, "so anything you're missing for this?"
"Oh," Virginia said with a shrug, "just another meeting where my colonists full on scream at each other, no big deal."
"Wow," Massachusetts started, "sounds exactly like mine..."

They soon went into full on rant mode about colonist fighting. I took a few moments to take a look at all the unfamiliar figures.
The first thing I noticed were two boys talking with each other. The first was extremely small compared to the rest. One of his eyes was a gold color while the other was blue. He had on a white poets shirt with a cravat and black pants.
The boy next to him was taller than the first but short then Massachusetts. He had a white poets shirt on with grey pants. His eyes were both orange. Both of the boys bore the same flag as the rest, in other words a flag with a red back ground and Union Jack on the upper left side. Based off of what I remembered father telling me these two were Rhode Island and Connecticut.

I looked over to two girls sitting over near the edge of the wagon. They both had long hair, though one had more tamed hair then the other. The girl with tamer hair had white eyes, while the other had one red and one blue. The one with multicolored eyes was a bit taller than the other though. They both had the same flag as well. I didn't know the name of these two yet though.

Next were two boys within the group ranting about colonists fighting. The taller one had black eyes. He wore a white poets shirt with black pants. The other also had a white poets shirt with grey breeches and white stockings. He had light green eyes. Both, once again, had the same flag. And if I remembered correctly they're names are Maryland and Delaware.

I was about to add something into my siblings little rant when I heard Connecticut ask something.
"Where are the twins?" As soon as Connecticut asked this the entire room (wagon?) went quiet.
Everyone looked at each other with concern, and it was at that moment I realized who those two girls were.
North and South Carolina.
I looked over at where I'd last saw them. They were nowhere to be seen.
'Where could they've gone?' I thought to myself, 'They were just there a few seconds ago!'
Just then, Marylands alarmed voice shook me out of my thoughts, "What! Where could they've gone, they were right in front of me and Dela the entire time!"
Delaware sighed, "I thought their silence was too good to be true..."
"Dela and Maryl, you guys stay with Rhodie and Connecticut. Me, Yorkie, and Hamp are going to go look for the twins. Mass you're with me, Hamp and Yorkie you're off together." Virginia ordered.
I huffed in annoyance, "Don't call me Yorkie..."
Virginia grinned and mumbled, "It'll grow on ya."
I glared at him, then went off with New Hampshire.

We had started our trek through the forest when New Hampshire decided to try and strike up conversation.
"So, New York," He started, "What's you're colony like?"
"Really?" I replied, "You're asking what my colonies like when our siblings are lost somewhere in this forest?"
He laughed sheepishly at my question and continued his walk with me.
We walked in silence for awhile, that is until we heard rustling in the bushes. We ran over to it, I was running faster than New Hampshire. I ended up regretting my decision of running as I slammed right into Massachusetts, sending both of us to the ground. I heard New Hampshire and Virginia begin laughing, but soon stopped as the diverted their attention elsewhere.
Massachusetts and I walked up behind them and spotted none other than the two trouble makers themselves.

"Alright," Massachusetts started calmly, "play time's over, it's time to head back to the wagons you two."
The two girls groaned, but obeyed his command.
Once we got back we all relaxed and waited for our dad to arrive. He soon did and with someone new as well...

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Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter that turned out longer then expected. You can find this through the POV of New Hampshire in The History Series: Book 3 chapter 11. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading! Bye!

- I.M.F.

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