Chapter 29: The abandoned planet

Start from the beginning

Hunter: We can take the Marauder down there and investigate the planet.

Y/n: And if the planet is clear, we can go and find a temple and find the first map.

Shiki: (smile) And we be one step on finding the Hyper Crystal!

Hunter: Right. Let's move everyone.

The bad batch, Y/n, Quinlan, Lop, Rebecca, Happy, Yogi, Shiki, Pino, Homura and Weisz climb onto the Marauder and they exit out of the hanger and fly towards the planet.

Flanker: (hologram) We keep an eye on things up here while you all search around. Good luck General.

Ella: (hologram) Be safe mommy and daddy!

Rebecca: (smile) We will. Now you listen to what you've been told okay.

Ella: (hologram) On it!

Once the call ends Yogi looks around the Marauder and noticed a sniper rifle which he picks up and looks at it.

Yogi: Guess this was owned by Crosshair.

Echo: Yeah.

Yogi: Must be sad to have one of your brothers turn against you. You think he'll come back?

Echo: Who knows. We hope so.

Tech: We're breaking out of planets atmosphere.

The Marauder break through the cloads and they fly through th planets surface but rather then a nasty and ugly surface, it's actually a nice planet with green forest and it seems very peaceful rather the guilts.

Lop: (surprised) Wow this looks amazing.

Rebecca: (surprised) Yeah and so beautiful. I thought this planet will be nasty and smelly.

Hunter: Looks like there is a city up ahead.

They see the city and it looks abandoned so they make their approach to the city. Once landed they exit out as they ready their weapons for a fight but to their surprise there is no one around. Everything is completely empty with no life around.

Pino: I've scanned the area and it appears that there are no life in this city.

Wrecker: So no smashing?

Echo: Why did they build a city and then left all of sudden? This doesn't make any sense.

Tech: Agree ti's doesn't make sense unless something happen here that made them to escape the planet.

Weisz: Like what a ghost?

Tech: That's....highly likely. If this placewere to be hunted then we would have known by right now.

Hunter bend down and touch the floor with his fingers and then sniff his fingers while he looks around. After a while he stood up and turn to eveyrone else.

Hunter: listen up this place might be a trap so let's split up and find this temple. Echo, Yogi your with me. Y/n, Happy and Rebecca will search the buildings, Weisz, Omega and Lop you stay here and keep an eye on our ship. The rest will search for the temple and report back to us as soon as possible.

They nod and they take off with Weisz, Lop and Omega stay in the Marauder as the rest enter the city and search around. There was no sound from anywhere for miles as we see Y/n, Rebecca and Happy walk through the city.

Happy: It's a bit quiet to be a city. I wonder where is everyone?

Y/n: I sense nothing here. It's almost like everyone in thsi city just left for no reason.

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