Every part of me wants to believe that it couldn't have been Harry, but maybe that's just me trying to convince myself of that. Facing him the day after seemed to be a challenge because I kept waiting for him to bring it up, but it never came. I don't know if I should be happy about that or nervous.

There's no way I can tell Derek because if I do then he'll take me off this case and I don't want to even entertain that possibility. The thought of him putting someone else on this case and them succeeding and getting Harry and Zayn thrown into jail has me upset. Another sign that I should re-evaluate my choices.

I'm doing the right thing, I tell myself. They run an illegal operation. They are breaking so many laws. This case will make national news. C'mon Indigo, this is what you've been waiting for. A chance.

A groan rips out of me from the back of my throat and I scrub my hands over my face, threading them through my hair and pulling at the ends. I hate this inner conflict.

It seems as if I've been having it more often than I'd like to ever admit, and every time I'm left with a sinking feeling in my stomach and a million thoughts running through my head. Either way, I'm betraying people on both ends.

I suddenly feel too confined in this exhibit, surrounded by the water and fish, so I quickly rush through it, making my way to Rainbow Reef. There, I find the cowfish and seahorses. Harry and Zayn.

Zayn telling me his favourite fish was a seahorse somehow didn't really surprise me. They're very loyal creatures, looking out for their own. Just like him. He told me he even named one of them Linnea, which seems fitting because he explained to me that that's the name of a small pink Swedish flower. Him and his flowers.

Looking at them sends another pang of guilt through me, and I feel sick. I think the nervousness of Harry and Zayn being gone too long, along with my anxiousness about my job is taking over me. I need to do something about it, and soon.

I stare at the seahorses from afar before taking a deep breath and closing my eyes. I take a moment to just calm down and plaster a smile on my face before walking a few steps towards them. My hands go up to the tanks and my fingers trail against the glass and I can already hear what Harry would say if he saw me right now.

He'd probably stare at me with that usual frown on his lips before tugging me away from the tank with his fingers in my belt loops like he's become so used to doing. Then with a teasing voice he'd say, "Get those dirty fuckin' hands off my tank, Peach."

Just thinking about it has me grinning to myself and I wish Harry could be here right now to say those exact words to me. Even when he's not here I'm always thinking about him, it's stupid but I can't find it in myself to care anymore. I can't help it.

"Where are your dads, hm?" I ask them as I open my eyes, leaning forward so I can get a proper look at them. They swim by me and I softly grin.

Why haven't they called me yet?

The smile only stays on my lips for a brief moment before I start getting worried again and I'm back to thinking about the two of them.

I can't believe I've already known them for five months now when it only seems like it was yesterday that we met. I've never been one to get close to people very fast hence the reason why it's always just been Jesse and I.

But it's so different with Harry and Zayn.

I knew I had to get close to them for the case but I thought I'd be able to keep my barriers up. I was so wrong about that. Zayn was welcoming from the start, he took me in and showered me with kindness in a way that I hadn't been accustomed to for a long time. It was nice to see it again, and there was no denying how attractive he was either.

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