yeah probably
but i dont wanna

why not?
it's like a free trial of death

i've been having a reoccurring nightmare lately
i don't want to talk about it though cause then you'll be all worried and then you'll tell malcom and then he'll be protective and then you'll be protective and i will be Scared

alright we dont have to talk about it if you dont want to
but i am here if you decide you want to

i know
thanks lovie


testing out pet names for the both of you
heard someone call their partner that
i can stop if you want me to

no, no, it's cute
keep being you
makes this whole situation better

are you meaning situation as in we are currently across an entire fucking ocean from each other or are you meaning situation as in i havent slept in two days and you're as anxious as i am

you havent slept in two days??
go the fuck to sleep
i'll still be here when you wake up, i promise

i already told you i dont wanna go to sleep
i'll tell you about the nightmare if you let me stay up longer


so basically um it's just like you malcom and i are hanging out together and then like i get all itchy and so i'll start scratching right and i like rip my skin and bugs pour out like i'm the fuckin boogey man from nightmare before christmas and i start screaming and you guys just kinda watch as get i eaten by the bugs

that is
i'm so sorry you have to go through that
i completely understand why you would not want to go to bed

you're an ocean away you cant make me do shit, british boy
telling me to go to bed does not Do Anything <3

i may have no influence, but malcom does

dont wake him up
we have school in a few hours D:
he needs sleep

please try to go to bed

alright alright i will
but i will text you at the slightest inconvienience

i'll be looking forward to it

i immediately walked into a wall what the hell


dont lol me i will cry



goodnight dummy <3

goodnight moron <3


June turned off his phone, and went back into the living room where Malcom was asleep on the couch, his legs bent to fit on the cushions and a blanket over him. He mumbled something, and June carefully just went around him to the other couch. He was used to Malcom sleep talking, but he looked over when he heard his name being said in a string of mumbled half words.

June couldn't really understand most of it, but it didn't sound good. Suddenly, he rolled off the couch, sitting up out of shock.

June stared at him, trying not to laugh, but a quiet giggle made it past and Malcom looked over at him.

"Why're you still up?"

"The usual," June shrugged. He made grabby hands at Malcom, who got up from the floor to comply.

"Tommy told me to go to bed but I'm not ready to yet," he mumbled to Malcom as he joined him on the couch.

Malcom hummed, clearly sleepy. He was draped over June, pretty much trapped on the couch now. June laid down on his back, letting Malcom rest his head on his chest and lay between his legs on his stomach. His weight was soothing, and June ran his fingers through Malcom's hair as the taller boy fell back to sleep.

June closed his eyes, trying to force himself to sleep, but by the time he felt he was maybe gonna be able to fall asleep, his phone's alarm set to wake him up went off.

He reached over to turn it off, shaking Malcom until he could get up and off of him.

June grabbed his backpack to get his clothes out, ducking into the bathroom to change. Malcom went in after him, and they went off to school.

It was a pretty average day, as expected, except June was still tired as shit, and Malcom and Nedia convinced him to skip first and second periods to have a nap in the library. June knew the ladies that worked at the desk in there, so they didn't have a problem with it. He convinced them to change the attendance so he wasn't marked absent and all was well.

With some struggle, he got his nap, and went on with the rest of his day feeling a lot better.

"Dude, you wear almost the same thing every day, I'm begging you to get new clothes," Nedia said to June, garbbing hold of both his shoulders. She had stopped him in the hallway, before June went into History.

June looked her dead in the eyes. "If I had any sort of fashion sense, I wouldn't wear these shirts every day. Help."

Nedia nodded gravely. "I think Patrick and Arjun have a couple of boxes in their closet of stuff that doesn't fit them anymore, if you want to come over some time to sift through them with me."

"Sure, sounds fun. I like playing dress-up."

Nedia gave him a thumbsup, and kept going to her next class.

History went normal, except there was a substitute. She informed them that Dave was taking care of his sick dog, and June sat in his usual seat by Logan.

Logan hadn't given up tormenting June yet, and threw a ball of paper at his head.

"How's your little boyfriend?" Logan sneered. "I bet he's bored of you."

June kept his gaze forward, trying to ignore him. But it was so hard when he voiced June's fears aloud for anyone to hear.

How he wished for the day to be over already.

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