|kiss in the kitchen like it's a dancefloor|

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Harry has been away for a week and 5 days now, of course, Louis isn't counting that obviously, he's a big boy.

Except he is.

He misses harry so immensely that sometimes he could hear his sweet, raspy voice whispering to him in the morning and can even feel him tucked under his arms while he sleeps, or maybe it's just the pillow that smells like harry, he can never be sure. He could see his shadow dancing in the kitchen sometimes and rushed to see if Harry has appeared out of thin air, perhaps he decided to surprise Louis after all, but the kitchen would be empty as of the day he left for his new album's recording.

It's not like he doesn't hear Harry's voice every day, it's just that it makes it harder to be away. He would quite literally attach harry to his hip if he could.


"Yes Ni, he isn't home yet and no you didn't have to remind me, goodbye, I'm going to sleep now"

"WAIT-" niall rushed before Louis could end the call abruptly, not that he was functioning fast enough anyway.

"What now?" louis mumbled uninterestingly.

"I talked to zayn and liam in a conference this morning, and actually we have this mega, awesome, wicked cool plan" niall exclaimed, stretching the vowels in his speech.

Well, that has louis intrigued, considering he did nothing even remotely interesting ever since harry has been away, not that he didn't have things to do except sulking around harry's house that's practically theirs, but nothing even seemed a tiny bit appealing to him at all the past few days.

"Well, that sure has my ears perked up at the moment, mate. Shoot away" he sat up straighter on the couch from his previous I-miss-harry sulking position with a couch on his lap.

(I know it's supposed to be a pillow, but I didn't even realize I wrote that until I reread it, and it's just too funny to take away)

"So to be sure, harry will be back in 2 days, right?"

"Right!" louis said joyfully, the day now quite nearer than he previously anticipated.

"2 weeks shit" niall mumbled jokingly because, of course louis and harry are that couple.

"Shit your ass, I swear to lord I'll torture you so bad when you have a girlfriend or something, I'll book her a one-way ticket to Hawaii on the anniversary and block your visa, for god's sake" Louis huffed out in one breath because this isn't shit! His harry has been away for 2 WEEKS!

"Whoa Tommo, steady there, just joking. Now I'll have to watch my back for the rest of my life just cause of that statement"

"You better, you little shit. Now tell me the plan"

"Here goes..."


"Everybody in place? harry's car just parked in the driveway, NIALL I CAN SEE YOUR HAIR PEEKING FROM HERE" Louis frantically stepped away from the window, seeing harry climb out of his car.

"Chill down, or he'll hear you mate" zayn whispered and motioned for louis to get into his own hiding place.

Everybody held their breath for a dramatic period of time and had their one eye peeking out from the hiding spots.

The anticipated jingling of keys came a minute later, the doorknob turning and as the door opened, everybody jumped out of their hiding places, the party poppers going off.


"ROBERT?" zayn's words came out totally wrong from what everyone else was saying, but it's fine, cause the person at the door wasn't harry anyway.

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