|didn't expect the unexpected|

247 8 56

Dedicated to forever3000 ,love you so much🥺
and 91sHVBIT 🌈❤️.


"Hello,Harry styles here, I would like to place an order for some flowers and I would like to have them delivered by today" Harry chimed happily onto the phone call.

"Um.....no,I will send you a specific colour that needs to be incorporated" Harry said instructing about the quantity and place of delivery.

"No...nothing but that colour...um...yes...and make sure its the right shade".

"Thank you so much, have them at the place by 6......alright,bye" Harry placed down his phone and dialled Niall's number which he picked up at the 4th ring.

"Hey Niall"Harry chuckled as he went over his plan in his head.

It was a last-minute plan so don't blame him. He had decided that he will ask Louis to get out of his house and not come back for an hour. It will make Louis think that he is planning a surprise in his house but when he will come back,he will find an empty house and a note that will have a clue. He had placed the second clue at a park around the corner of Louis' street (only one or two streets down Harry and Niall live too). The park was the place where him and Harry always used to go together whenever they were feeling low. The next clue will be at a cafe where him and the boys always came to relax and there will be a few more clues at places close to the boys and louis. It will eventually lead him to Niall's house where Harry and the other boys would already be present and they would surprise him. Harry had also added a last minute thought and decided upon jumpscaring louis.

"What's up mate,I think you were calling Louis and dialled me"Niall laughed loudly not even bothering to bring the phone away from his mouth.

Harry winced slightly and pulled the phone away from his ears.

"No Niall,I actually want your help with something"

"What is it? Me,Amy and others are willing to help you" Niall's voice sounded authouritive but playful.

"I have this surprise plan for louis and I was thinking if we could all surprise him at your house"Harry began explaining the whole plan to Niall.

"Love your plan Harry, Louis would be so happy and a reunion,who could turn that down?" Niall was really happy now.

"Yeah,but like I will have to ask Liam and Zayn to come".

"Ya mate,go ahead tell them,I will start preparing for the surprise".

"Okay,I will come down to your house to help you and I have already ordered the flowers and a few stuff. I will order the cake rn and you just get some balloons maybe...and this is private so be descreet Niall".

"Yeah yeah,you come down to my house descreetly" Niall rolled his eyes.

"Bye, thanks Niall".

"S'alright Harry,see you".


"Hi Zayn" Harry dialled Zayn and he picked up on the first ring.

"HEY HARRY!" Zayn sounded very excited,he then cleared his throat and repeated,"I mean hi Harry".

Harry giggled and brought a hand to cover his mouth.

"How are you?"Harry decided to check on Zayn first,they never really talk seperately besides their conference calls.

"Good,good, I am making a carrot cake cause louis told me to"Zayn chuckled along with Harry.

Oh,how he wished they came back to being the best of friends and he could definitely see that happening but he was still unsure because that voice that he managed to push at the back of his head was trying so hard to be heard and Zayn knows he cannot avoid it for long.

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