|the beforemath|

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The morning sunlight could never compare to Louis' beauty, nothing ever could in Harry's eyes (and probably everyone else's too). Louis is imperfectly perfect to Harry, always was, and always will be.

Through the years, Harry expected to fall out of love, that's how he saw most love stories to be even though he always hoped it wouldn't, but it's as if he scored a miracle, a perfect peice to stitch in his life and to never let go of. Louis was the perfect patch that made Harry's imperfect life a whole lot bearable. The clumsy mop head didn't expect to find love before he was properly in love with his rom-coms but guess life has a way of surprising, eh?

The love they had for each other always seem to escalate and escalate until it filled up to the brim and then they would find a new place to fill, of course, it emptied a bit with every restless night, heartbreaking shouts, and shattered memories but never did they let the love flow all out and even if it did, they still had so many more glasses to last them a lifetime that they did not worry, just held each other other and loved. Thus Harry's favorite love story was his own.

Louis' eyelids then fluttered and opened to reveal blue eyes, so easy to get lost in, and so Harry did until he got enchanted by another distraction, Louis's dopey, morning sunshine smile. He felt warm, lying beside Louis, just softly staring at each other with their legs tangled together, he felt warm and safe, something so familiar but never enough.

Staring at each other never got old, it was as if everytime they learnt about a new freckle or a wrinkle. They could point out things on each other's faces with their eyes closed because they felt it, felt the love for each other sink them in everytime. It wasn't suffocating, but rather a journey towards a wonderland, a beautiful wonderland. Harry always dreamt of going to one and with Louis, he feels like he finally could, slowly heading towards it.

They could go on and on about each other for days and not get tired because it was refreshing, and relaxing, being with someone who understands you, who loves you for who you are, who accepts you for your flaws and help you become better each day, helps you grow so beautifully, it's fascinating, unreal almost.

Love isn't always sunshine and roses and Louis had told Harry about it before they got together and Harry, that little innocent heart had shyly looked down and mumbled, "I will keep the roses close for after the storm and you are my sunshine Lou".

Louis would shout at Harry, get shouted on by Harry and would feel like it was all over, nothing felt more heartbreaking than that but at the end of the day they always found their way to each other, drunkenly scolding each other until the sun sets, holding the other while they cried their heart out, layed their souls out to each other, not caring if the other stole it, it was theirs to keep anyways.

Harry would always show those big puppy eyes when Louis would have to leave for a while and Louis could never resist that, would always come back and cuddle Harry, shower him with kisses for another hour without any care of the world, "Please don't be long" Harry would mutter, sobbing silently into Louis' chest, soaking his t-shirt but none of them cared,"Two weeks and not a minute longer" Louis would whisper in Harry's curls and kiss him softly as they parted away, Louis wouldn't dare look back again because he knows if he did, he simply couldn't leave and end up canceling everything for his haz.

"Haz..." yet again, another distraction, Louis' raspy honey morning voice (uh ask Harry, he knows better).

"Yeah?" Harry replied back softly, still basking in the peacefulness.

"I love you," Louis says simply as if he was introducing himself to a stranger, as if he didn't notice how Harry's breath hitched like it always did, the sound of Harry's heartbeat quickening on its own, almost embarrassing to the bug under their bed but never to them.

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